Poised for A Bright Future
A Clean Slate…
Welcome to a brand new year! After clearing out the heavy burden, blocks and debris from old memories and experiences on the previous session (Blast Away from the Past), you are now free, clear and ready to embrace all that the future has to offer.
The Darkness Lingers…
However, the people, the environment, the society, etc. – the world around you, will play the same role and function the same way in this new chapter of your life as they had in your old story book. Hurtful situations/people from your past seem to always know where to find you when you have just wiped the slate clean.
A Bright Future Awaits….
On this Spa session, Mas will work on strengthening your spirit and elevating your frequency at the core level – so that anything/anyone of a lower vibration simply will not have the power to touch you again, no matter how destructive they had been in your past. You will be poised with the composure, dignity and confidence to embrace limitless possibilities, transcending a dark past into a bright future.
Also, following the discussion during the Tele-Forum that is also named ~Poised for a bright future, Mas will be work on these categories on the Spa call – global, personal (empowerment), financial, health and relationships
Removing fear of the future
Removing overwhelm
Taking the right, guided action
Knowing I am on the right path
Raising my own frequency and therefore raising that of my family
Attracting the right partner
“Riding the wave” of financial abundance
Observing calmly the break-down of distortions and falsehoods in large/ruling factions
Staying calm but separate from “controlling” elements in religion and politics
Receiving guidance for our individual health
The Frequency Spa Perks
Since it’s a Frequency Spa call, Mas will also work on distorted frequencies that have been showing up as premature signs of aging from living a troubled life. You might see the brightness return to your skin, the grey leave your hair and the beautiful colors spark in your eyes again…
Medihealing Replay | Poised for A Bright Future (45min): $39 | Add to Cart