As our emotional distress always has to accumulate somewhere in the body, our feet are where we store years of density, stress and regrets about the past steps and anxiety about the future path. Many of our meridians also begin or end in our feet; so blocked energy channels can cause disharmony even illness. It is why an energetic foot treatment is vital to boost our vitality and energy.
Have you been harboring guilt and regret about steps you have taken?
Have you collected anxiety and stress about future steps you’re about to take?
Are you ready to clear dense energies that are holding you back?
Is it time to let go of past action steps that were ‘mistakes’?
Are you ready to embrace your limitless future fearlessly?
Then indulge yourself with this relaxing and stress releasing energetic pedicure as Mas works on you to:
Open up the feet chakras to release stored density
Keep the release channels open and flowing
Allow the dissipation of stress and anxiety easily and guilt-free
Forgive yourself for past action steps and mistakes
View all past steps as lessons/experiences
Relish living in the NOW
Release anxieties and fears about your future path
Incorporate the belief that you take the right steps and actions for yourself
Instill the Pure Source frequency to be your guidance
Medihealing Replay | Past/Future Pedicure: $29 (30min) Add to Cart