Weight Loss & Eating Disorders (2016)
Perpetual weight issues and eating disorders are some of the most common problems Mas sees when he taps into people. He has helped thousands of clients heal these persistent problems with amazing results. Now this powerful healing energy is available at the Frequency Spa! During this Medihealing session, Mas instills the ‘thin’ frequency if you’re overweight along with the frequency of the healthy weight if you’re severely underweight…in addition, he works on the following areas of weight issues and eating disorders –
Having a hard time losing/gaining weight
Emotional Eating
Skipping Meals (Anorexia)
Bulimia – Going To The Washroom After Meals
Binge – Overeating To The Point Of Sickness
Dieting Through The Day But Eating Junk Food At Night
Obsessing Over The Nutritional Value Of Foods (Orthorexia)
Going To The Gym To “Burn Off” Meals (Anorexia Athletica)
Food addictions (sugars, carbs, Deep Fried Food, etc…)
Obsessing about food – either eating too much or too little
Thinking about food all the time
Feeling guilty every time you eat
& More…
If anything on this list sounds all too familiar to you, this Medihealing session will help re-tune your frequency to that of a healthy and optimal level – you will naturally become attracted to foods and habits that are beneficial to you and instinctively stay away from anything that will not nourish your body and spirit. The weight will self-adjust and a healthy eating habit will form effortlessly when your vibration is aligned to the frequency of the ideal-weight and wellness.
Change Your Frequency, Change Your Weight!
Weight Loss & Eating Disorders (2016)
Medihealing Replay (60min): $49 | Click to Register