In honor of Mother's Day, join Mas for a brand new, upgraded and live Frequency Spa designed to cleanse and rejuvenate our maternal connection, one of the most important relationships in our our lives. This is the latest version of the 'Deep Issue Massage' that was first introduced in 2013 and one of our clients' all-time-favorite Frequency Spa sessions. Mas' abilities have since received multiple powerful upgrades. Therefore, a selection of key Frequency Spa sessions are to be fortified annually with the latest frequency upgrade.
Mother Issues go deep! But why a ‘Massage’, not a total abandonment of Mother issues? – Even though many people have major Mother issues, we are VERY reluctant to separate from the “mother” as that would leave us feeling ‘without’ somehow…other issues might surface as side effects such as the anxiety of being disloyal, a sense of lost identity, etc.
So just in time for Mother's Day 2016, Mas has created a brand new, more powerful ‘Deep Issue Massage’ which at a frequency level restores balance and acceptance yet doesn’t take away a “connection” or relationship. It works out the knots that have caused us years of discomfort and replaces them with harmony and understanding. For example, instead of feeling criticized, after the Frequency Massage, one would feel affirmed and accepted.
Common Knots in Mother Issues:
I was never enough
I didn’t feel nurtured or protected by my mother
My mother made me feel guilty
My mother abused me physically/emotionally
I was always compared to my siblings/cousins/friends
I never felt that I could please my mother
I felt unwanted from the beginning
I feel insecure about myself because my mother was always fearful & unstable
My mother told me not to trust men/women
My mother was always stressed and anxious and passed it all on to me
I felt smothered and stifled by my mother
My mother did not raise me well and I am now paying for it
And all those other knots…you know what yours are…
Treat yourself to two healing Deep Issue Massages, allow Mas to instill:
Working Out the Knots
My mother did the best she could
How I was treated doesn’t define my self-worth
I am worthy and perfect just the way I am
My mother’s thoughts about me are hers and do not have to be mine
I don’t have to inherit my mother’s issues (weight, fears, illness, etc.)
I can release all previous comparisons to others and I set my own standards
I am older and wiser and I choose to take responsibilities for myself
My experience is a part of the divine plan for my growth
With my new freedom and self-responsibility, I can breathe freely and spread my wings to fully experience life
Healing the Injuries
It is OK to separate myself from my mother so I can truly blossom
It is OK to stop blaming my mother from now on and accept responsibilities for myself
It is OK to live my life differently from my mother’s demands or expectations
I am OK even without my mother’s approval
It is OK to shine in my own way and manner
Mother issues are a reason to thrive, not an excuse to shrink
I am grown and I am no longer a victim
I am happy to have a mother who means well
She will ALWAYS be my Mother and I am grateful for her bringing me into this world