This powerful event is for those ready to strip back the layers of identity…brave enough to let go of what is known, comfortable and safe, and to expose the ability to create as a unique individual a life of your choosing.
MP3 Replay
MP3 Replay
The Talk:
Parents often intend on the best for their children. They lovingly pass along their knowledge, insights and understanding so their kids can learn, prosper and thrive. They hand down their perspectives, worldviews, names, traditions and beliefs. Many hold great honor in their family values and find comfort that their family legacy will live on.
Without realizing, and often paved with good intentions, we are each placed in a pre-determined mold of experience and expectations. Whether rooted in love or unawareness, the template for everything from our health, thoughts, relationships, finances, and experiences down to our deepest emotions are pre-programmed. Our life scripts, burdened with our lineage’s past, are largely pre-determined by the moment of our first breath.
Whether our father was absent or present, close or distant, the patterns were given to us all as they were to them, and in turn passed along to our children. Even when wrapped in love, the “sins of the father” continue through the generations.
So where does free will enter the equation? How do we know our true selves and how much control do we have over the direction of our lives? Join Mas Sajady as he explores the ways in which we give and receive our family patterns and programming, the impact something as simple as a family name can carry, and a new way to approach human evolution so that the past is discarded and each new generation truly builds upon the last.
The Medihealing:
Rarely do parents give the gift of awakened awareness. Bound by their own limitations, they pass along patterns from love and connection to health, illness and aging, despite their highest intentions. Unaware and unable to recognize the strength of our true nature, we often settle for lives far below our potential, taking and accepting what is handed to us.
But the role of fatherhood and parenting is changing, and these restrictive boundaries can be broken as the continuing patterns of our life and lineage come to an end. By releasing these core frequency distortions, we free ourselves and generations to come. When living in an unencumbered state of presence, we elevate from life experience, releasing the past and sharing the true gift of fatherhood and parenting…a pure state of being and a legacy of true evolution for all of humanity as it was intended to be.
In this powerfully clarifying Medihealing, Mas will work on your core frequencies to help you:
Discard deep layers of physical, mental and emotional conditioning and programming
Release generationally accumulated hardships, illness and trauma embedded in DNA
Let go of ties to the past rather than carrying them as a lingering burden
Explore your unique identity, living and parenting from your highest self
Awaken your family, children and lineage to a new way of existing
Live from a state of pure presence with lightness, awareness and clarity
Because this is a Frequency Spa, the frequencies generated in both the Talk and Medihealing® will help you achieve a physical and emotional vibrancy, buoyancy and luminosity that comes with presence and the emergence of the true self.