The Talk:
Mothers often feel drained, fatigued, and spread thin by juggling the demands of work, needs of children and marriage, while maintaining quality connections and friendships. A good mother is often defined as one who is solely dedicated to her children’s every need, sacrificing her own in motherly selflessness.
Social media is flooded with memes of motherhood being sustained by a combination of coffee and wine, illustrating the prevalence of the “hanging on by a thread” mentality. Things such as health, nutrition, exercise, self-care, friendships, and alone time are downplayed or disregarded to implement hectic schedules and activities. And even with an abundance of love, marriages too often suffer as routine sets in and luster and romance fade.
So why are so many women experiencing motherhood as exhausting or draining despite tremendous love for their children? Has the mother’s sacrifice enhanced their wellbeing and that of their family? Join Mas in a riveting talk in which he dives deep into the core of motherhood, the challenges of modern times, and the role of the self vs selfishness.
The Medihealing:
Many approach marriage and motherhood as foregone conclusions, the expected next step, to experience the love of and for children, or to have the joy of a family in later years. The idea of motherhood holds the promise of fulfillment but is met by confusion and disillusionment when existing problems persist. As long as we look outside of ourselves to be complete, we are not only doomed to failure, but perpetuate our own incompleteness to the next generation.
By showing up as your highest and best self, you offer the greatest gift a child of any age could receive…the physical expression of what is possible. You embody a living example of what it means to be whole, happy and complete, allowing your family to do the same.
In this recalibrating Medihealing®, Mas will work on you at the deepest frequency level to help you to redefine selfishness so that you may:
Let go of ideas, habits, and beliefs that don’t serve your highest good
Recognize and honor your true self, enhancing your inner vibrancy
Become aligned and congruent in all aspects of life
Embrace a purer version of motherhood that allows others to evolve into their best selves