Our modern society seems to foster the practice of de-responsibilization of the individual and encourage finger pointing..
To this extent, these individuals targeting Mas are a reflection of a dysfunctional society in which humans have stopped being responsible for their own self and toss the burden of their situations unto another party.
It is the *always somebody else's fault* syndrome our society suffers from.
I have personally worked with Mas for close to 3 years, over the phone and in person, attended many of his seminars in the US and overseas. I have always witnessed the most exemplary behavior from him, sharing encouragement, showing unparalleled constance, magnanimity, kindness in his quest to help every single person he comes in contact with during his work from the purest perspective imaginable.
Mas genuinely cares for the betterment of mankind at the highest level.
All throughout history, the bright individuals who offered a different world view or new idea were often ostracized by those who failed to understand. Then later the masses came around .
In the same fashion, Mas is the torch bearer of a new era.
I am blessed, honored, thankful beyond measure to have worked with him and will continue to do so.
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.
This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.