Kim M.

As a therapist and minister, and having read and heard and seen these women in action, I can say definitely there is more than likely some serious mental illness going on there. The delusional material is pretty well developed and it appears that the two women are triggering each other and reinforcing their fantasies together.
Having worked very closely and intensely with Mr. Sajady for 4 years, and having seen and spoken with in person his partner, his children, his colleagues, and many of his students, I can say definitely that he is a reputable and effective teacher with not one slight hint of any impropriety alleged by the two women; and certainly not any sign of the far out deviant allegations made by them.
The instruction given by Mr. Sajady is consistent, challenging, innovative and very effective for those committed, brave and strong enough to look at themselves deeply and endure fast, heavy personal change.
I can see how very damaged or confused individuals might have some real struggles with the program- it is an intense introspective course and the student will go through many changes while deeply examining themselves and their life situation. It is common for those types of very fragile individuals to "blame the therapist" for painful change during treatment. Freud's Transference concept. Emotional maturity and emotional intelligence also play a role in student success.
In the case of these women, it's a similar situation: some students do "blame Mas" for their painful changes during the course. But most realize what it really is, grow from it, and get stronger and more clear, even more dedicated to change.
In mainstream therapy, I have seen people quit very effective interventions due to such internal disruption. I believe these women harrassing Mr. Sajady were simply not mentally and/or emotionally strong and stable enough to understand, let alone inculcate the teachings: they were simply not ready to face their "demons."
This is a deeply introspective course. People normally face their issues when they are ready. This course of study accelerates that confrontation, ready or not. In these two women's cases, they apparently left the course before building the necessary foundation to build upon. In essence, they aren't fully cooked. It also seems they might have joined the course for reasons other than to learn the teachings to improve themselves.
I hope one day these women will find proper help and realize that our internal reality is not always in parity with the external world. In other words, look at yourself first for issues, then look at others. I have found that 99% of the time the problem is in our own heads getting in our own way! I certainly encountered that effect early in my studies.
I stand by Mr. Sajady 100%, and will study with him as long as he offers instruction!


⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.

This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.

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