I Have worked with Mas Sajady for over 4 years Now. I've completed more than 12- 21 Day meditations and worked with mas on both open and Private Industrial Group Healings on more than 15 occasions. I have grown and transformed for the better in ways that would have either taken me many years or would not have been experienced at all. The 21 Day medihealings and personal calls with Mas sajady bring up old experiences and frequencies for us to Consciously Delete. Mas makes it very clear that we all will experience different levels of Detox regarding these old patterns and frequencies in our energy field. Just like a computer screen that pops up and asks the user "are you sure you want to Delete this file"? Only the person can Take self Responsibility and confirm those deletions by choosing another way to think feel or interact in a given situation. How would your highest most pure self respond? Many many many people go years and years without looking at and taking responsibility to change heal and transform their old limiting patterns in their life. It can be painful and a very frustrating challenge to change these patterns. It's always more easy to quit and blame someone else but then you lose control to change the situation yourself. Mas helps to shine the light on these old patterns and frequencies that we can consciously choose to transform and rid ourselves of. If we do Not conform the deletions by choosing another way to respond to an event, then the events may get worse. This is no different in my opinion than when people get into experiences where they end up in a hospital for an extended period of time, because they kept missing or not listening to the universe give them signs on what to change in their lives. It only gets as bad as it has to for the person to change. There is no reason to blame someone who has helped you to see what you can change to experience a better life in all ways. A person Must take 100% responsibility for their experiences and know they have Absolute control to change for the better. I have felt Great joy in my heart and my life through the work with mas sajady. It has been very difficult on some occasions for me to delete old patterns of frustration with some people and to choose to respond in different ways when an unnecessary argument arises. However I am now consciously choosing to respond differently and I haven't had these experiences anymore. I continue to grow and expand with Mas Sajady and always look forward to my Transformation. Thank you Mas Sajady. Curtis from Washington.
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
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This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.