I have been Benefitted from the work I have done with Mass. I believe that sometimes growth happens slowly and one is not objective about it by oneself. I have noticed that I have become much stronger and things bother me much less and life generally for some reason has become easier for me and more fun. I do work with another healer and I would say also a good one she has told me that the work I have done with mass has helped me greatly. She has no affiliation with him nor does she even know him and I know this sounds crazy but she could sense his energy and she could sense how much he has helped me a lot. what he says is true most people in the public eye or with any reasonable amount of success do get slandered. The good thing in my opinion is that people are much more savvy to seeing through untrue slander. I read that stuff just as I was starting to work with Mass and I really just simply didn’t believe it.
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