Ercan E.

I have known Mas as a genuine, conscientious cognitive growth coach and a man of honor. His sense of duty to elevate human consciousness with his seminars, meditation programs are up to high standards to produce beauty, abundance and truth in the lives of people. I have observed his sense of humor and grace in his interaction with his clients since I started attending his program back in 2016. He has been very generous with his time and attention either on public or paid programs. I enjoyed and admired his fatherhood with his kids as I often heard his interaction with them on those teleseminars. I am transforming of how I see myself and how I interact to the world with the understanding he makes available and the space he creates and holds for one to practice emotions that moves human beings to action. I value his spiritual wisdom on how life works and his ability to have human beings experience who they really are, their unlimited potential, that they are an expression of ever being present, omnipotent and all knowing source. His work are to the benefit of humanity and I am grateful for him keeping these variety of programs within reasonable and affordable price point and available to everyone interested to experience world through the eyes of Authentic Self.


⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.

This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.

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