
Mas has been the one unwavering person in my life for the last 5 years. I remember the first IGH I had with him he mentioned that I was an empath and my whole life people thought I was a black sheep. He said, "I don't think you are." This opened the door for me to allow myself to start healing internally. He helped me change the course of my life's direction and every time I work with him, even if it's a 5 minute medihealing, he nudges me to look at other possibilities. All the lies these two women have fabricate are fabricated and false. Mas is a an unwavering man with honor and conviction. I will always stand beside these words because this is who he really is.


⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.

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