My experience with Mas as to today so far has been nothing but extraordinary and extremely helpful in all aspects of my being, as the reflection of my created self. My self awarness and knowiness just gets deeper and deeper every day, every moment of life I am. I can't express enough, in linear words, the gratitude and appriciation I have for this man, Mas Sajady, of how much stable and consistant his work and his professionalism and passion and commitment in his work in helping others, myself, the world and beyond, all at the same degree of integrity, respect, compassion, equality, and that true unconditional love. It takes commitment, strength and true compassionate love to sustain that, mostly that oneness he knows as is. To sum it up, it's a knowiness. I couldn't of asked for a better inspirational guidance and a real true self help individual in human form for me to expand more deeper. Thank you Mas for everything you do for me and everyone. I know you have helped the thousands, and more to come, all in search for your assistance so they too can get help in remembering who they really are so they can free them selves from there closed boxes. But you are appriciated, honored, and loved. It's just gonna get better and better. I am and I know you are as well, these are exciting times coming. I'm gonna enjoy the ride of this new consciousness arising stronger and stronger. It's just fun!!! Wmi also want to mention the appriciation I have for the Mas Team, ALL THE ANGEL TEAM. You guys deserve a lot of recognition as well. I've met each one of you and you all are as the word Angel describes and more. All this is because of you too. I thank you deeply from the pure heart. What you do is observed, noticed, seen, and extremely greatful. We love you all too. I want to thank everyone, the whole universe for all is involved. Thank you.
I started with mas in Feb of 2018,and I have attended almost 90% of his work besides the in person events. Only a few in person. Pretty much Mas was with me almost 24/7. And that's not even all of it that I could attend in. Jugling jobs and Mas was extreme but that's also what I wanted and was no effort on my part and I can do it because I can. Only one thing runs in my head and that's to awaken deeper and deeper all the way. But that's how much he does. I've been connected on the phone for many hours and days. I believe he only had 12 days of holidays if he even did. He's consistently working hours on hours helping people. Hard to justify he has anytime for himself and family and friends.
Now if you take this into consideration he has no time to manifest all those false things that individual lady that creatively keeps harassing and accusing Mas and his family and loved ones with all those nonsense and very disturbing speaches. That's pretty sick and distorted of her. I just gave a phisical fact of evidence that Mas has no time on his hands for that crap and definitely he has not done anything of that sort to begin with. This is common sense that anyone can see for them selves what this lady is all about and how lies and falsifications she can creatively create from free will. I was not aware of the situation Mas and the team was dealing with until he started mentioning it. So I took a look at what he posted for everyone to see what's happening. And I am glad he did. If this came to my experience then this is mine too and it's my duty to clean it up. And as I clean it up as I am already doing, I'm deleting and conferming the distorted abused and controlling patterns that are still present. This is old energy, or old consciousness that is trying to hang on. Needs food to survive. I'm definitely not giving my power away for that energy to feed off or hang on. Neither should others do so if they truly want to see changes faster in a new consciousness that's becoming. Someone who needs other people's power to have power is actually powerless. People that need to control others for power or there own desired agenda's are powerless. If you need others to get what you want, how do you actually credit yourself in any shape or form? And she says she works with God, as recorded on video. Not sure what God. Sounds like a God in a box, a humanized God to me. I don't want that God if I have to behave like that. Never new God teaches you how to harass and slander and hate and so much judgment and more like that. I'm definitely not following that God. I guess this is why God gave us free will so we can create more God's out of it and put it in a personal box. I never seen a God that takes your power away either. See God gave everyone individually the same power, same everything. We are all from the same soup, the only difference between any of us all is free Choice. How do you want to create with that same power. You don't need anyone else's power, your just taking all the garbage and burdens and harming yourself. I have no simpathy or feel sorry of this lady. It's free will from choices. I know she's the same soup, same power, there is nothing for me to save or do but be my true self. And that alone affects all that exsist. And what exist can expand from that. This lady's distortions are evidence of the new consciousness taking over. We will see more garbage and that's okay. It's part of the process. To bring in the new conscousness we have to see the distortions that has always been here anyway. We where just blind to them. Now we are starting to see them clearer and clearer and this is what helps up make better decisions to expand properly and evolve and not attacking the old energy or running away from it, but my owning up to it and change the old ways to new ways and inspire people by showing them, and all we have to do, is be our true self. Very simple, but can be very difficult to do so if we choose that to be so. At the end of the day it comes down from making choices, witch can also be called desicions, and your virtual reality will have to play it that way. No rules, no taking sides, no agendas. It's just a beautiful system. And this lady has potentials in her field to awaken if she chooses so. Free will doesn't make it the truth. It's becomes your personal truth for expanding and awakening, bad or good, in your own way, but not really the truth. I'd prefer calling it a playing truth.
Mas, the team and all, I want to thank you again for everything you do and support and have done for me and others. We need more of you all in this reality. I'm am so excited to play in this reality and make the best I can to expand.
Much love here to myself and everyone,
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.
This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.