My years with Mas have been the most transformative & the best thing that ever happened. There are no words to describe, how Mas's work means to me & for the sake of humanity.
It is quite hurtful to see Mas being attacked with false accusations like these from such toxic people. But, I get it. As it is the case for all of us personally as well; 'the higher we ascend to become enlightened, the more people around us feel threatened, insecure & so anxious to the extent that they wanna bring us down to their level'. And, I think what Mas is doing right now is the thing to do.
It is time.
We must confront their false accusations, counter their attacks on our credibility and most importantly always fight back to keep our character & integrity intact. All the while being composed, calm, persistent & yet not being emotionally invested in any way.
It is time.
They too must know & feel that, we mean business & they better know what they're doing or saying from here on; or else should be prepared to lose more than they ever imagined, as their 'bluff' is gonna be exposed. We're not gonna back down & the fight for the 'truth' is on.
Lastly, to paraphrase from one of the greatest lines in movie history by the character 'Howard Beale' in the movie 'Network' by Sidney Lumet;
'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!'
I think that line alone says it all.
P.S: Thank you once again for everything you do. We're with you, Mas!
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.
This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.