I've met Mas Sajady in April 2012 in San Francisco during the Living Expo event and am still benefiting from his work. His approach resonates immensely with my spiritual, psychological, emotional and physiological needs so much that I still find myself getting engaged in 21Day, or frequency spa, or well-being sessions... Or numerous freebies. And - No - I've never felt cheated, overpriced, used or miss-informed. Quiet the opposite. I've never felt as free as I am since I've experienced the power(s) of Mas Sajady' effect.
And, of course, I have to mention how grateful I am for the customer service provided by his team! That deserves a whole new paragraph... Really.
Thank You And Many Blessings,
A.B., California
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.
This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.