Therese L

Mas has been one of my main teachers for several years in unfolding my personal spiritual development, in understanding my being on planet Earth, and aligning with pure universal energy to express my true self to my highest potential in this lifetime.

Mas is wise and profound with a personal humility that is refreshing and keeps things real. I only met him in person once for a hands on medihealing and don't need to be in his physical presence to learn profound truths about myself through him.

I have heard Mas has a trash talking nay sayer who is lashing out at him in fear and causing herself a lot of unnecessary pain by atttacking him rather than addressing her own crap and letting go of her patterns of behaviour that keep her trapped in old anger and betrayals. I feel sad for her. Mas is a great teacher of our time and he helps me and so many worldwide live more peaceful, centred, fully expressed lives.

Mas doesn't claim to be perfect. None of us are. I would like to tell this angry, frustrated woman to deal with her own crap and let Mas continue along his ascension in consciousness teaching me and others who cherish his nurturing, beautiful teachings while expressing his life to the fullest. I would like to tell her to just let go, to smile at herself in the mirror, to hug herself, to love herself.


⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.

This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.