Mas shares his systematic, evidence-based scientific approach to being a whole, reasonable person with the public almost daily - tirelessly. Nowhere in his body of work will you find anything but strength and respect.
His subject matter is difficult to approach, and yet his approach is consistently elevated. He shoots from the hip, and gets straight to the point on a variety of sacred and taboo topics. I have not once in years heard a word of disrespect or even darkness in any form. You will find some sensational sound bytes that when taken out of context could raise questions, however this could be said of anyone at any time. We know this as a society.
It is my hope that Mas' current legal action against his attackers will come to a swift, precedent-setting resolution, and result in a cessation of the disturbing disruptions these women have apparently dedicated their lives to. This level of harassment would not be tolerated in many other countries. Freedom of speech is extremely important, however this shouldn't mean freedom of consequences for abusing this right.
On a personal note, I view the defamation and protests against Mas as very extreme unwarranted bad Yelp reviews - the type wherein clients write 8 paragraphs about how cold the food was, but spent 10 minutes getting the right Instagram shots before trying the food. It's got nothing to do with the business, it's the behaviour of the client + systemic flaws within our evolving society.
Good luck, Mas and Team!
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.
This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.