I feel deep in my heart that Mas is real and doing "Only" Good !to humanity there is nothing but nothing sinister with him only light and good ment action and....I love him and his work helping humanity to become selfaware and selfresponsible . I live in Sweden and cant effort meeting him. If I would have the money I would like to meet him in person because in my world he is one of the most AMAZING human beeing on this planet ....I could go on talking the hole night like this because I really mean it from the bottom of my heart. I can see in the videos that his help is inmediaet and really profound...thank you for beeing part of the awakening times here on planet earth Mas....hope to meet you soon in person
lots of love to you and your beloved ones and to your supporting team
sincerely karin
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
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