I am here to say, I have been working with Mas since 2011 or 2012…..Back when we could chat on the phone at length...back when the 21 day was in its infancy; back when I really needed some help in a big way…and Mas gave it. I miss those days. I think when we crossed paths, he was still working with online Light Worker Summits.....And he stood out. He was much the same in his demeanor then as he is now. I am not a groupie, nor am I drawn to Guru’s and cults. I am quite the opposite of a hanger-on-er. I am a healer in my own right. Over the years, Mas has shown me possibilities and given me answers that have changed the course of my life. I am grateful. And I have wanted to write this letter for a very long time. It did not sit well with me or make sense that you “Mas”, were turning the other cheek with these 2 women. But, you had to do what you had to do. Divorce is miserable enough. And they made yours a public spectacle. Your work is hard enough, and they’ve bastardized it in the most dirty way they could think of. Humanity never ceases to disappoint. But there are no victims. You are posed with this challenge. Now what’s the silver lining?
First of all, its about F-ing time you stood up. I understand your compassion and willing ness to allow people, however off course, their journey in life, but now their journey has become yours. And it isn’t serving you. Why is this happening? I can’t answer that. It’s perhaps your lingering pattern to heal. The brand of energy and tactic, the pattern/frequency that you have drawn to you is a recurrent theme throughout history. This pattern has destroyed or attempted to destroy many truly great people. Entire civilizations have been affected by it. Wars are started and fought with this pattern as its root. Read history. You will see it over and over again. This is a very strong and distorted frequency and pattern. And Einstein said, “ You cannot fix a problem with the level of energy from which it was created.” So let’s go big or go home!
Maybe the legal system can only be as helpful as the lower energy that it is. Perhaps this particular distortion needs something very different to diffuse it. Maybe EI is the answer; the mastermind, the group effort, the coming together in EI consciousness is the path. This idea occurred to me when you answered a question during some event or other about that Jesus didn’t die for our sins, he died because he couldn’t hold us all up at once. His energy alone just wasn’t enough. He was the lone fish swimming toward the small hole in the net…and we were all swimming the other way in our confusion. And I AM NOT equating you with Jesus. Don’t go there...people. I am just citing one example in history that most everyone can relate to. Since your work is about the pathway to Exponential Intelligence, then why not use it in this case? It makes sense. Create a mastermind that is more powerful. Simple.
Do we wish those women in question dead or harmed? Probably not a wise idea, but to transcend the abuses using that which you already have in your quiver; the mastermind created by the group consciousness...why not? Instead of narrowing your/our collective sights, why not think like “Sully”, the US Airways pilot who in 2009, upon hearing his options from the control tower for landing his damaged plane that flew into a flock of birds over Manhattan.....he said, “No” and signed off. In just over 200 seconds, he successfully landed the plane in the Hudson River. He tapped into EI and saved 150 people. Can we do the same? What a fun challenge it could be.
My deepest gratitude,
Katelyn K.
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.
This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.