I have been a witness of sorts(some might call me Record Keeper, Traveler, or an Oracle) to the unfolding of many well known Energy healers, Frequency masters, and other Spiritual teachers & mentors, since 2012(when the "God Particle" was finally scientifically proven). And over those many years....I have only known Pure Light, Intention and Love...in all Mas Sajady's work. I have also only witnessed Love, and Comradery for others...from Mas Sajady...in their attempt to expand and grow, as the Amazing individuals that they can become. It saddens me, to see the craziness of other people pushing their malicious and false interpretations of others... on humanity! But in the last few years....I've also witnessed... that many other Healers, Light workers, Spiritual teachers, etc. of Pure Light & Intention(like Mas) have also been attacked. Dark forces come in many forms...and I hope that people look beyond their fears, to self reflect.... and see the truth from a Higher, Loving, Pure Intention...in order to understand that the world must change, to leave behind fear and oppression. Thank you for your time...and God bless!
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.
This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.