*Sue A.

I have signed up for many program over the past 3 years. I have learned so much about my self thru Mas programs. One of the biggest obstacles that I have had been searching for most of my adult my life was the fear I had in me. I had so much fear in my life that is inhibited me. I was able clear this emotion by talking to mas through a program called IGH. We cleared a life time, and previous life times of fear. I feel so much better and let go off all the garbage I was carrying. Mas always said he isn't a doctor and he doesn't doesn't heal me. You have to do the work too. He just removes the underling frequency . I am a different person today. I know longer have the fear and I feel so grateful for his program to help me clear these emotions. Mas has always said He doesn't heal us or diagnose us he only changed the underling frequency which then allow our body to heal itself. He also say that we have to do our part as well which is so worth it. Thank you Mas for all you do for us.


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