I have highly benefited from Mas' work through his podcast, IGH-sessions and the 21day meditations. I also took part in the Abuse series earlier this year and it (and the other work mentioned above) continues to help me choose _my_ path in life, to empower myself and especially it is making things clear to me in this moment - there are lights on the path! With that clarity comes the confidence to go on forward, enjoy and value this life, seeing deeper into what I'm made of and clearing out any distortions I may still have in me.
Truly an amazing, transformative and profound work and I'm deeply grateful. Looking back to when I started to work with Mas (1,5yrs ago) and seeing where I'm now, the transformations have been profound and deep.
Thank you, Mas
⦿ I have both benefited from and support the work and service of Mas Sajady.
⦿ I give Mas Sajady, Inc. permission to publicly use this information.
This information was submitted voluntarily, free from compensation of any kind.