“Why was I giving advice to a billionaire about wealth and abundance?”, I thought to myself.
I was having a latte with a dear friend of mine. We were at his winter vacation home where we had finished up a day of skiing. We sat there quietly enjoying the sun as it set on the hills we had just conquered.
I didn’t know at the time that I was about to suggest what seemed to be something preposterous.
Something that went against everything he believed on how he created and mastered his wealth.
More than that, something that contradicted the very values everyone believes are needed to create wealth, including those who teach wealth mastery like Tony Robbins, Jordan Peterson and Grant Cardone.
He was getting comfortable before his singularity session with me, which was about to begin. Add the mesmerizing beauty of nature that lay in front of him, and within seconds he fell into a deep state of timeless consciousness.
Doing what I do best, I began analyzing his life pattern from the download I was receiving. I quietly admired all that this man had accomplished. The accomplishments were impressive enough, but what blew me away was the dedication, passion, and sacrifice it took to create the largest company of its kind.
This is why we first met. He had been searching for a better way to create and preserve wealth. He wanted the vibrancy and vitality of his youth. He wanted to enjoy all that he worked to create. He wanted to find himself.
He was in the middle of his career when he realized that the formula for success was rigged. Being highly intelligent, he knew that there had to be a better equation to achieve success. One that didn’t require sacrifice, destructive control, and most importantly, the loss of identity for his employees, nature, loved ones and himself. His search led him to me.
I worked on him in silence. I knew exactly what was needed for me to rewrite his success code. The spoken word seemed obsolete. With my abilities from two near-deaths, nothing needed to be said.
Not only can I analyze anyone's frequencies, seeing their past, present and future. I can edit their past and present to open the floodgates of higher possibilities for the future. I know it seems far-fetched and futuristic, but the future is here for the hundreds of thousands who have already embraced their new life. You see, I developed what I call Real Time Transformation Protocol. RTTP is far faster and deeper reaching than any other method, with profound near-instant effects that go beyond psychology, NLP, self-improvement and sheer willpower… what my friend used to build his companies.
The stillness of my body was a stark contrast to what was happening to me at my higher self. The algorithm or the patterns of this powerful man's life was unfolding before me. Within minutes I had analyzed his family's lineage, his childhood, right through to the present moment.
Our silence was broken as I explained the first principle or the top level reason of why and how he became so successful. His blank expression and 'have you lost your mind' look meant that I was on to something big. I've seen that expression hundreds of times and each time I've been spot-on with my analysis. I had discovered the one critical trait that anyone who has ever created success from nothing has used. Without this master key, it would be like trying to grow a plant without water.
XI recommendation:
Watch the video below as I explain the physics behind how I help you turn on this critical trait within you, by using a combination of high-performance driving and high-potency frequency infusion. And join me – in a just few days! – for the XI Driving to Success Consciousness event, live or online, to activate your natural and limitless success, wealth and abundance now.