Consciousness is always evolving.
Contrary to popular belief, we don't expand and grow. We evolve when level zero consciousness falls away and is replaced by level 1 consciousness, level 2 comes down into level 1, and so on (see figure 2). This process of higher levels dropping down and replacing lower levels is ongoing.
To give you an analogy-it’s like one of those old record players. You would have a stack of records and when one record finished, the next up in line would drop down and start playing. Think of the records as levels of consciousness- when we are done with one level of consciousness, the level of consciousness above, drops down and replaces it.
With each new layer of consciousness that we come into, we are accessing a different reality, new possibilities and a greater level of awareness. We have access to higher level concepts and ideas, and new technologies and inventions. Did you notice that new technologies always come in waves? This is the reason why- humanity at large has access to the level of consciousness where these advanced technologies exist. So, it's the consciousness that dictates the inventions, the concepts, how we live or the beliefs that we have. This is how we really evolve and grow.
It has been over 2000 years since Jesus lived on this earth. From that time, the Level 11 consciousness that he was able to access, has been dropping slowly towards the Zero Level, or the level of consciousness that humanity exists in. We’re at the point where the level of consciousness that Jesus existed in, is the next level of consciousness that will replace our current consciousness- it is the next record in the stack.
That’s what we’re coming into, that’s what we’re preparing for.
This is the real meaning of the ‘second coming of Christ’. It’s a return or resurrection of Christ Consciousness, rather than the return of Jesus the man per se. And it’s available to us all. You'll see more and more individuals who have abilities very similar to Jesus, providing they can stand the frequencies-because you would have to have a lot of personal integrity to withstand such beauty. It’s scary, coming that close to the love of God, because it’s so amazingly beautiful. And as that brilliance shines a light on our imperfections, we may start to question our worthiness.
Well I’m here to remind you that you are worthy. You are literally that fantastic. You’re part of that beauty and that pure love- and it’s time to own it. Can you imagine what will happen in the next few years, as this consciousness starts to slowly evolve into our everyday life? We won't have to run patterns of lack, sacrifice or control. We won't have to destroy others to maintain who we are. Jesus never did that.
You wouldn’t believe the beauty, the love, the possibilities of evolution- not just for humans but for the whole universe. We're part of that, we're all going to be expanding and growing. This truly is an amazing time to be alive.