Season 2, Episode 10: XI Defines: Frequencies

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

Your blueprint is created by a higher-level consciousness. XI delves into that higher level consciousness and helps you understand not only the blueprint of how you get created, but why you create that blueprint in the first place.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • An XI definition of frequencies

  • How you can use frequencies to change your life

  • See the blueprint of how you render yourself

  • Find the key to changing your core level being

We've all heard experts say -
change your story, change your life;
change your thoughts, change your life;
change your attitude, change your life;
change your belief, change your life;
change your energy, change your life;

Mas/XI says, 'Change your frequency, change your life.'

When you change your frequency, you automatically change your energy, belief, attitude, thoughts and change your life.
So, why is changing your frequency the most powerful way to transform?
Everything in our environment, everything that you touch, feel, taste, see, experience, and think has a specific frequency and because we're living beings - we render ourselves according to our environment, every cell structure within us adapts to our environment.
If you're changing your belief systems, it's not getting to the core level issue of who you are. That's why - more important than your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts - is how you render or view yourself.
Your frequency is your core level of being all put together to generate you, and then to generate your life experience here. Once you understand the concept and you start to see the blueprint of how you’re generating your life, you can use understanding frequencies to change your life rapidly.

Everything that you experience in this reality, including your thoughts, feelings and emotions are frequencies. The reason why you feel a certain emotion is because your brain is generating a certain frequency to feel that emotion.”