Mas Sajady XI Podcast
Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.
“There are plenty of modalities out there that help you make money or create success. XI isn't about that. It’s about creating a strong foundation and utilizing the grandness and the limitless potential of who you are on the inside”
Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:
Extraordinary abilities gained from his near death experiences
Why XI is so different from other modalities
How XI can transform your life – efficiently
The secret to drastic life transformation and lasting change
Xponential Intelligence - it’s a handbook on how lifeworks. Simple as that.
If you understand the handbook, your life will automatically become abundant - there's still work to do - but you automatically become abundant, you're complete, you're happy, you're joyous.
All aspects of you are abundant. Your internal self, your relationships, your wealth, your experiences,
You’re in spherical abundance.
“XI is a manual on how you create and experience your life here, if you understand the physics of XI - you will have an abundant life - naturally.”