Season 2, Episode 27: How to Calibrate Your Emotions for Success

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“You get pushed and then you use it as a directional force to get out of the hole that you've dug yourself into. It catapults you into the higher consciousness - that's how negative emotions are used in XI.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode:

· Using your emotions as tools to access higher consciousness
· Why it’s important to have a mix of positive and negative emotions
· How to calibrate your emotions properly
· The importance of observing your emotions

We are always told to follow our heart, but what if our heart is wrong? 

We blame others for our failures and continue trusting our emotions, but what if it’s our emotions that cause us to fail over and over? 

Did you know your emotions need to be calibrated? With XI you can learn to calibrate your emotions and use them to catapult yourself into the higher consciousness.   

In this 3-part XI Podcast on Emotions: 

- Emotions and why you shouldn’t trust them  

- Dealing with your emotions and the potential pitfalls of positive thinking 

- How to calibrate your emotions for success 

“XI uses negative emotions to chip away those pieces that you don't want, and then it uses love and joy as finer tools to really create the details that you want.”

Season 2, Episode 26: Dealing with Emotions and the Pitfalls of Positive Thinking

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

Emotions, especially the negative ones - these are the emotions that you should be paying attention to. They aren't negative...they are gauges for where you are in life.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode:

· Dealing with emotions and how to use them to thrive
· Why you should observe your family, society, and cultural emotional standards
· An overview of how to calibrate your emotions
· Why negative emotions are not always negative

We are always told to follow our heart, but what if our heart is wrong? 

We blame others for our failures and continue trusting our emotions, but what if it’s our emotions that cause us to fail over and over? 

Did you know your emotions need to be calibrated? With XI you can learn to calibrate your emotions and use them to catapult yourself into the higher consciousness.   

In this 3-part XI Podcast on Emotions: 

- Emotions and why you shouldn’t trust them  

- Dealing with your emotions and the potential pitfalls of positive thinking 

- How to calibrate your emotions for success 

Just observe those patterns and observe how they resonate in you. There's a deeper definition of what hatred, jealousy, anger are about. All of those emotions - we try to stay away from, but XI dictates that they are fantastic motivators for you to get to where you want to go.

Season 2, Episode 25: Emotions and Why You Shouldn’t Trust Them

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“You shouldn't trust your emotions until they're calibrated. And that's what XI does. It allows you to calibrate your emotions.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this 3-part XI Podcast on Emotions learn:

· Emotions and Why you shouldn’t Trust them
· Dealing with your Emotions and the Potential Pitfalls of Positive Thinking
· How to Calibrate your Emotions for Success Why your emotions can’t be trusted
· The potential pitfalls of positive thinking How XI can be used to recalibrate your emotions for success.

In this Episode:

- Should you follow your heart? Mas explains the two main reasons why your emotions need calibrating

- Do the programs you’re running dictate your emotions?

- How your emotions and intuition are intertwined We are always told to follow our heart, but what if our heart is wrong? We blame others for our failures and continue trusting our emotions, but what if it’s our emotions that cause us to fail over and over? Did you know your emotions need to be calibrated? With XI you can learn to calibrate your emotions and use them to catapult yourself into the higher consciousness

“The underlying reason on why you can’t trust any emotion is because your emotions are dictated by the programming that you're running.”

Season 2, Episode 24: Your Secret Connection To Your Pet

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“Most people are treating their pets like their emotional support, they're supposed to be animals, so when you're treating Fluffy like a human, at a deeper level, you're starting to manipulate them into forming a human identity.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In part this Episode:

· Learn how humans have distorted the evolution of pets
· Why your pet has taken on a human qualities and conditions
· Does XI work on pets the way it works on humans?
· Use XI to restore your pet to its natural state

In this Episode:

Do you wonder why some people look like their pets? Or why your pet has anxiety? Many pets have lost their identity and have taken on a human consciousness, but is this a good idea? Can XI help your pet to be the animal it was born to be? As XI helps you have a stronger identity, it allows the pets around you to change as well. They let go of human issues and become the animal nature intended them to be..

“Most schools that people send their dogs to for training are literally an eraser of their identity. They break that identity or filter of being a dog. The dog doesn’t know who they are, they’re basically a robot, there's no longer a connection to a higher order.”

Season 2, Episode 23: XI Interview: Venus

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“No matter what happened to you, if you start to understand the logistics, you start to understand that you don't have to absorb it as your own and you can turn it into a place of strength and stability”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In part this Episode:

· Be an influencer, the XI way
· How keeping a journal can help propel you forward
· Overcoming years of family patterns and trauma in minutes
· Detox and how it can affect people differently

In this Episode:
Lost, disconnected, misunderstood, isolated – with XI you can use these feelings to catapult yourself forward. We all have our own process for transformation, we all have different experiences with XI, some are similar, but not the same. It’s normal to feel alone or separated from others as you elevate your frequencies. Venus tells her inspiring personal journey of self-realisation and overcoming trauma with XI and how it manifests into everyday life.

“For the first time in my life, I felt like, I do have the power, and I'm able to choose how I feel, and I'm able to choose how it impacts me.” - Venus

Season 2, Episode 22: Is Your Passion Truly Yours? Part 2

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“Your only purpose is to know who you are at your higher level. Simple as that, no matter what you do, if you attain that connection with your higher version of who you are, that's the passion that you should have.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In part 2 of this Episode:

· Find out the real reasons why passion fades
· The key to finding real passion in life
· How you can use XI to find who you really are

In this Episode:
Do you wonder why your passions, desires, and even love fade over time? Why didn’t achieving that goal, or having that relationship make you feel fulfilled and happy?

Was it really your passion?

Using XI, you can easily find your true passion in life - by becoming singular with the higher version of who you are, your limitless self.

“Understanding how you interact with this reality will allow you to become so present in this reality that your bigger purpose will show through.”

Season 2, Episode 21: Is Your Passion Truly Yours? Part 1

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“Trust me. If you're true to your goal and follow that deep desire. If you follow that one instinct, that inner core of who you are, you will not disappoint anybody. Let me say that again, you won't disappoint anybody.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In part 1 of this Episode:

· How your lineage, your parents can affect your passions
· Break away from family patterns and find your true passion in life
· Hear about Mas’ journey to find passion
· Use XI to find your own passions, goals, and desires

In this Episode:
You inherit more than just how you look from your parents; passions, goals, desires are also inherited. Listen in as Mas tells the story of how he broke away from his own family patterns and created success by finding his true passion. Find out how XI can help you make your own passions truly yours.

“Everybody wants to know what their passion is, their destiny, their purpose in life. Your only purpose is to become one or singular with your timeless self.”

Season 2, Episode 20: The Shocking Effects of Surgery

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“When people go through surgery sometimes their cellular clock gets distorted and as they get plugged back in, the time is reset to something that's not consistent to today's time - that's where some of those people have memory lapses.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

· What really happens to you mind, body, and spirit during surgery?
· Personality changes, new skills, speaking with accents, Mas discusses the deep science on why this happens
· How you can use XI to prevent and correct side effects of surgery

In this Episode:
The effects of surgery can be far reaching – even successful ones. Whether local or general anesthetic, the process of numbing and cutting the body has unexpected repercussions.

These side-effects may not be at a physical level, but much deeper than that, many believe that as energy meridians are cut, other corresponding areas can become problematic.

Learn how XI can help prevent and even correct these side effects and help you reintegrate from a place of heightened consciousness.

“It's not just about the surgery, you're cutting meridians - you're cutting through that plasma - not the plasma in your blood… it’s the matrix that creates you. You might call it your spirit, but it's more than that.”

For information on Mas Sajady's Frequency Surgery Series visit:

Season 2, Episode 19: Mas Answers - Part 2

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“What XI does is it helps you realise that what you're creating here is not anything physical. It's a representation of how you see yourself at your timeless being.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

· Is your timeless-self equal to your higher-self?
· What is the relationship between frequencies and near-death experiences?
· How does XI define levels of frequencies?

In this Episode:
Mas answers your questions, listen in for more surprising truths about near death experiences, higher level consciousness, frequencies, and awakening.

“Once you understand the blueprint on how you create your life here, you're not working on the physical aspect of who you are, you're working at a much higher level.”

Season 2, Episode 18: Mas Answers - Part 1

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“Answers to questions change with the consciousness that you're in. So, I answer from different levels of consciousness for different levels of people.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

· During a near death experience, who’s voice do you hear?
· Do you have a choice to come back after a NDE?
· Can you awaken to a higher level without going through pain and tragedy?
· How you can tell if you're awakened

In this Episode:
Mas answers your questions, listen in for more surprising truths about near death experiences, higher level consciousness, and awakening.

“If you define yourself with success, intelligence, your beliefs, or thoughts you're not awakened because you're referencing yourself from an outside perspective.”

Season 2, Episode 17: XI Defines: Spacetime Part 3

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“Xponential Intelligence works so efficiently and so fast on you because it doesn’t solve your problems, what it does is put you into a reality or consciousness where your problems are already fixed”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

· Find real solutions to your problems, the XI way
· How changing the meaning of your past can open new possibilities for your future
· Choose to live from a higher-level consciousness and how to stay there
· The ripple effect of XI and its effect on the future of society

In this Episode:
Every past moment is written in the history of time, those moments can't be changed for you. Anything that has happened cannot be undone because it’s already happened in time, it’s the foundation for the future. Everything is determined on the previous moment of time, if you delete it, all time will literally collapse.

What XI does is go back and change the meaning of those moments, so they give you a different feeling or sensation. XI changes the forward motion of where you are in spacetime, it doesn't change the history of time, that situation still happened to you. But it changes how you see and create yourself in the present moment.

“I don't make up realities for you, I just put you in the higher realities that exist around you at that moment, as I put you into that higher reality, you start to gravitate to your higher self.”

Season 2, Episode 16: XI Defines: Spacetime Part 2

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“The reason why you're depressed is because you've pulled yourself out of time, and as you go further and further away, this turns into mental instability. Eventually, there's no connection between real time, where you're supposed to be, and where you are.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

· The correlation between mental illness and spacetime
· How the reality you exist in can change based on where you are in spacetime
· How spatial referencing relates to spacetime
· The XI reason why sleep is so important for our wellbeing

In this Episode:
Spatial referencing is literally a GPS for your identity, just like how you synchronise your smartphone, it synchronises you to understand where you create yourself in spacetime. It pulls you into where you are, and then helps you get to where you should be.

“The more you use spatial referencing, the more you stay in sync with spacetime.”

Season 2, Episode 15: XI Defines: Spacetime Part 1

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“The only reason for time, is so that everything doesn't happen at once.” - Einstein

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

How spacetime synchronizes every aspect of the universe and how it affects you
Why time is always moving forward, not backwards
Learn how linear time is created
How you can move into realities that are more functional for you

Did you know that all issues like anxiety and depression to relationship issues or debt are ultimately a function of spacetime? But what is spacetime?

Spacetime is a matrix that creates linear time and space for us. It harmonizes all possibilities into a linear fashion, so you can experience time sequentially.

Without spacetime, everything would happen at once - all possibilities - all the possible realities that you could exist in would happen at once.

It sequences how time works. And then within time, it sequences your reality according to the timeframe.

“Time never goes backwards - it doesn't function that way - it's always moving forward.”

Season 2, Episode 14: Spatial Referencing Part 2

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

The closer you are to the present moment time, the more power you have, the more abundance you have, the healthier your relationships are. That's just the minimum, this is where the limitless-self starts to come about.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • How spatial referencing effects energy, creativity and ideas

  • Advanced techniques and ways to help children

  • Life-changing ways to calibrate yourself in space time

  • How to use chaos and others' emotions like anger to strengthen

How does Spatial Referencing keep me in present moment time? Why is present moment time important? Does it get easier? When individuals are in chaos - like we are in today's world - there's a lot of confusion. When you can reference the chaos, and then you reference yourself, it allows you to concentrate on who you are. So, in those moments of chaos and turmoil, you become more solid than ever. It's amazing how it works, you don't fall into the fray, you become more solid and that's why many people who practice XI feel the frequencies of chaos and destruction around them, but they feel solid - because they’re spatial referencing properly. They're understanding all the chaos, the frequencies, and then you're referencing themselves, it becomes a habit, at first it does take a little work but then later on it comes naturally - like second nature.

In the beginning, you always want to reference an object, and then you, there's an importance of that. We're creatures of our nature, our environment, we pull other’s garbage or their essence into us and think it's ours. That's why you always want to reference inanimate objects first.

Season 2, Episode 13: Spatial Referencing Part 1

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

The closer you are to the present moment time, the more power you have, the more abundance you have, the healthier your relationships are. That's just the minimum, this is where the limitless-self starts to come about.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • Spatial referencing explained, a ‘how to’ guide for beginners

  • Mas explains why it’s important for your advancement

  • Learn how you can recreate yourself with spatial referencing

  • Techniques you can use for yourself and teach your children

What is the one simple thing you can do right now to connect to your higher self?
Spatial referencing.
What can it do for me? Why is XI the only modality that talks about spatial referencing, did Mas make it up? Is it easy, can anyone do it? Where do I start?
I didn't develop it. I just copied nature, because nature, spatial references all the time. It brings you into the present moment at a deeper level, or at an advanced level and it allows you to precisely pinpoint where you are creating your reality in spacetime, (more on spacetime in an upcoming episode). It allows you to understand who you are, how and why you render your reality here.
For you to expand, grow, and realise your better self, you must have a different reference point on where you could be compared to where you are. It’s not mindfulness or being present, those are limited, and can only take you so far.
You need to step out beyond yourself.

Spatial Referencing brings you into the present moment at a deeper level, it allows you to precisely pinpoint where you are creating your reality in spacetime.

Season 2, BONUS EPISODE: Vaccines - How They Can Affect Your Future

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

How do we know what's good and bad? We really don't. It depends on the situation, and it depends on the consciousness that you’re in…

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • Are vaccines safe?

  • Can vaccines awaken you to your higher self?

  • What are the effects of the vaccine?

  • Is shedding real?

  • Why are vaccines such a sensitive topic?

I'm not for the vaccines.
I'm not against the vaccines.
This talk is not about giving you more so-called facts that are essentially meaningless.
It doesn’t have an agenda.
It is not about conspiracy theories.
You make your own choices.
Can vaccines allow you to awaken to your higher self? Yes, they can. At higher levels of consciousness, anything can be used to benefit you. But, at the lower levels of consciousness, they don't.

It's not about just giving you facts. It's about bringing in this consciousness that will awaken us all.

Season 2, Episode 12: XI Defines: Mastermind

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

In the XI mastermind group you can accelerate into whatever level of consciousness you need to be in. The higher the consciousness - the higher opportunities, ideas and concepts you have access to.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • How the mastermind helps you become your best possible self

  • XI mastermind VS conventional mastermind

  • The science of how the XI mastermind works

  • Accelerating consciousness in a group

  • How to create a mastermind in a pure state

All aspects of humans, all the experiences that have ever happened to humans, you're running - because you're part of that mastermind.
Whether you're a group of billions, or you're a group of 10, trying to get a project going - you bring into that mastermind, all your data, all the generational data of the past.
The XI definition of mastermind is very, very different, because I use your innate biological process to help you create the mastermind.
Part of the innate biological process that goes into XI is that you always create a mastermind to be your highest version of who you are, in the XI mastermind you filter out all your distortions and hereditary patterns.
The XI mastermind allows you to filter all those things, it puts you at a higher level of consciousness, you're in a pure state.

With the XI mastermind, once you have the basics down, you can start to extrapolate a different level of consciousness, like a creative consciousness that you want to tap into, or a genius consciousness, and then mix it into the group.

Season 2, Episode 11: XI Defines: Consciousness

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

There is always truth in everything, it just depends on the layers of consciousness that you exist in that make it true - but there's always real truth coming out.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • The XI definition of consciousness

  • Why your consciousness helps determine your reality

  • How to achieve a higher level of consciousness

  • Ways to harness the power of consciousness

  • A deep-dive, frequency infused meditation to elevate your level of consciousness

A consciousness is literally a global setting on how you see your life, that global setting dictates that whatever you do, it has to create lack, or insecurity, or sacrifice - that's the consciousness that we exist in. There are layers upon layers of consciousness, think of a white light shining outside a ball… and then there's a ball within a ball, and then a ball within that and so on - there's millions of different layers, or filters. The light shines through that original ball, which is red, so you have every ball within that has a hue of red. The next colour is blue, so this light shines through the red ball, the blue ball, and so on. These filters create the consciousness that the next ball down the line exists in. Every layer affects the inner layer. There are millions of different layers for you and 95% of your identity of who you think you are, is literally all these filters of consciousness.

Consciousness is literally a global setting that you exist in, and if you exist in that global setting, you become that global setting. You already know this stuff, you'd have to, because if you didn't - you would never exist here - you couldn't create or render yourself here.

Season 2, Episode 10: XI Defines: Frequencies

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

Your blueprint is created by a higher-level consciousness. XI delves into that higher level consciousness and helps you understand not only the blueprint of how you get created, but why you create that blueprint in the first place.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • An XI definition of frequencies

  • How you can use frequencies to change your life

  • See the blueprint of how you render yourself

  • Find the key to changing your core level being

We've all heard experts say -
change your story, change your life;
change your thoughts, change your life;
change your attitude, change your life;
change your belief, change your life;
change your energy, change your life;

Mas/XI says, 'Change your frequency, change your life.'

When you change your frequency, you automatically change your energy, belief, attitude, thoughts and change your life.
So, why is changing your frequency the most powerful way to transform?
Everything in our environment, everything that you touch, feel, taste, see, experience, and think has a specific frequency and because we're living beings - we render ourselves according to our environment, every cell structure within us adapts to our environment.
If you're changing your belief systems, it's not getting to the core level issue of who you are. That's why - more important than your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts - is how you render or view yourself.
Your frequency is your core level of being all put together to generate you, and then to generate your life experience here. Once you understand the concept and you start to see the blueprint of how you’re generating your life, you can use understanding frequencies to change your life rapidly.

Everything that you experience in this reality, including your thoughts, feelings and emotions are frequencies. The reason why you feel a certain emotion is because your brain is generating a certain frequency to feel that emotion.”

Season 2, Episode 9: The Way You Wear Your Mask Says A Lot About You

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

How you wear your mask says a lot more about you than what you think.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • 6 different mask personality types

  • Why the mask you wear can affect your health

  • The real reason for fear and control behind masks

  • How your own logic affects the mask you wear

Over time, as I've analyzed people, going through airports, through working on thousands of individuals, or just observing people because that's what I do, I started to read people - I started to notice how and why they are wearing this mask.
How you wear your mask says a lot more about you than what you think. I came up with six different personality types of masks.
This isn't to prove mask wearing is right or wrong. But to understand how and why you wear the mask. It will help you reclaim who you are, it'll help you identify why you're wearing the mask and why your life is the way it is. And then as you understand why, it's a great opportunity for you to change and live a better life.

For individuals wearing the mask of control, intelligence is the key of security for them, It's a key of knowing they have control over other people. They use their intelligence to destroy, belittle, or basically control other people, because they're insecure about themselves.