How our personal guidance system steers us towards our best self
How you can nurture your inner perception to greatly benefit from it
How does our higher self speak to us? There’s a special “secret” language our physical and spirit bodies (Figure below) use to communicate with our conscious minds – and the messages always serve the same purpose: to steer us towards Truth.
This inner communication is our own personal guidance system – an “inner GPS” devoted to pointing out when we take the wrong turn and how to correct back to the right path.
This amazing guidance system is part of our human design, alongside the efficiency and shedding mechanisms we last explored (Your Key Mechanisms Part 1).
Inner Communication Loop
Your inner language is your own natural intelligence at work, its messages coming through:
physical symptoms, disease, aches, pleasure
emotional pain, bliss, upset, instability
synchronicities, chance meetings or other external clues
The important point to realize is that this “soul language” requires your conscious attention and learning. For example, if you don’t remember your dreams or learn their meaning, it’s like receiving an important letter but never opening the envelope!
The figure below illustrates our feedback loops for outer and inner perception and interaction.
The right-side loop (Loop 2) includes input from our five senses and the output we send to the environment. An extreme extrovert would place all his attention on external communication, oblivious to his inner messages. The objective is to properly balance attention between both loops.
Your inner communication (Loop 1) includes your inner perception, what your higher self/spirit body sends, and the return reaction from your conscious mind. For example, if you don’t pay it attention, your feedback to your higher self is “I’m not important” and it will stop communicating.
The Spirit Body is the bridge to your Timeless Self and it’s crucial to heal any disconnect or the treasure of your own inner wisdom, and your true identity, will be lost. Once you learn to nurture, heed and understand your inner messages, they become a personal guidance system unerringly guiding you towards Truth.
Learning Your Inner Language: Body and Dreams
The best way to engage your inner wisdom is simply to pay attention! Observe & Ask you higher self, let it know you value what it has to say. Questions like:
What’s my higher self trying to tell me (with this dream, illness, heartbreak, etc)?
What’s the real me like and how can I live that even more?
How can I intertwine with my higher self even more?
With practice, you’ll know quickly what’s being communicated.
Body – Messages sent though your body are very literal and any symptom “speaks” clearly once you learn this language. For example, stomach issues may literally mean there’s something in your life you “cannot stomach”; respiratory difficulties that you’re stuck in a place where the “air is toxic”; or a sudden skin rash that someone “rubs you the wrong way”.
Dreams – On the other hand, dreams speak in symbols and can seem enigmatic – but remember, it’s your own intelligence speaking and somewhere you know the answer. Although symbols are universal, your dreams’ symbols are always uniquely meaningful to you: for example, a lake symbolizes dead souls, but for you it may relate to something particular in your childhood.
The purpose of dreams is homeostasis – to bring inner equilibrium, harmony and truth – and for that purpose, dreams will:
Act as a “relief valve” for suppressed emotions or knowledge. For example, an uptight woman whose sister has cancer dreams that while camping together, she loses her sister in the woods: the dream is not predicting her sister will die from cancer, but rather allowing her to express the fear of losing her sister that she won’t allow herself when awake.
Compensate for a deficiency/lie/distortion – for example, a shy person may dream of happily singing onstage in front of many people: the dream is both showing her she’s capable of this possibility and also healing that great lack. Or a paraplegic “imprisoned in his body”, will routinely dream of flying to remember he’s, in truth, free.
Show you what you are NOT aware of but is important to become conscious of. This can include warnings, for example about someone you’re unduly smitten with, or a job that’s “killing your soul”.
Reflect back your inner state, where you are along your life journey. For example, if you’re still run by your pain body, you may dream of Mas as a dark personage bent on hurting you; or if you have just entered a new phase in your life, you may dream of being pregnant, giving birth, or of baby animals.
Send teachings and revelations when you’re ready, acting as your inner guru.
There’s much more to say about dreams, synchronicities and the other wonderful ways your inner wisdom speaks to you. Join us next week!