How to use Spatial Referencing to strengthen your boundaries
D-N-A: a dynamite 3-step formula to regain your space!
What two great Spiritual Laws you can use in your favor
Taking off from our last article (Boundaries Part 2), today is all about tools & solutions!
Strengthening Your Boundaries
If your boundaries are weak or open, practice these 2 simple steps often to create & strengthen them – think of it as slowly growing your “boundary muscle”:
Basic spatial referencing by noticing 3 objects around you. This will anchor you in space-time so you can come back into your body.
Distinguish yourself from your environment: notice your skin, where your body ends & the environment begins; how your inner sensation feels compared to the outside impinging on your skin & senses.
Reclaiming Your Space with D-N-A
Whenever you suspect intrusion, use D-N-A to kick it out & get your space back:
N for NO!
1. D for DETECT – Advanced Spatial Referencing
The first step is learning to detect & discriminate what’s NOT yours (frequencies & realities) – which is advanced spatial referencing.
I. To detect Frequencies:
Ask yourself WHERE the emotion, thought, behavior you’re noticing is coming from. For example, at night when you’re more vulnerable to intrusion, when you feel certain debilitating emotions, or thoughts “persuading” you into self-destructive behaviors. To discern if something is really yours or not, ask these 2 crucial questions:
The answers may come right away, where you “just know”, or they may take some time to percolate into your consciousness – but once you’ve asked your Higher Self to know the truth, the truth you shall have!
II. To detect Realities:
Observe how you shift over to another reality or version of yourself. This will be easier to notice with a person that affects you greatly. For example, when you’re in love, you lose all reference points of yourself: that person is literally pulling you into their reality by pushing their frequencies into you – you lose yourself & can even disappear completely from your physical form!
The key is to develop the awareness of having moved to another reality*. Other examples: think of your childhood, when you “projected” yourself somewhere else: you were creating yourself in other realities in time-space; or when Mas centers you during a meditation: observe how you shift over to another reality (often a better version of yourself). Notice that difference, how it feels & what you see – it’s not just a mental state or your psychology – & ask, “How do I create myself?”.
The pitfall is trying something psychological (from the ego, as most people do), like setting down rules or deciding “I’m not going to let this person control me”. Instead, develop your sensitivity: notice how you get pushed back & forth, pulled right or left or into someone else's reality. Observe situations, beliefs, people, etc. For example, politicians put you in fear: you’re pushed forward in time, given no time to think (or you’ll get sick & die!), so you’ll latch on to someone “safe & strong” (the government) & get controlled… Instead refuse to be pushed or pulled out – “No, I’m staying here” – & observe their tactics.
*Realities are created internally: two people could be together in the same external location, but in completely different realities.
2. N for NO! – & Really Mean It!
There is a great spiritual law that is crucial to know & remember. Ignorance of this law is the secret the dark lives off of…
Think of it as your “spiritual property rights”. It means that if you say “Out!” & you mean it, nobody – not even Satan himself! – can come or remain inside you. External control sources (squatters, entities, the dead, etc) & the dark will test you, trying to make you believe you cannot resist or say “No” to what’s inside you or trying to get in: but it is all a mind trick!
Please remember: you are ALWAYS IN CONTROL. No matter how weak you feel, you can always say “Out!” & they HAVE to leave – by law! Your space is yours & yours alone – always!
The key word in the spiritual law above is “allow”: every trespass into your space (invasion, squatting, possession) has been allowed by you at some level – whether you were tricked, seduced, unresisting, or unconscious of it… But once you understand that you have total power & domain over your space, you have found the magic bullet to “spiritual eviction”: you can expel anyone & anything, any time!
A note about your Yes’s & your No’s: Spiritually (in the inner planes) unless you explicitly say “no”, then it’s “yes”. In other words, saying nothing is saying “yes” (or nothing short of no is yes). So when it comes to spiritual matters, be very firm with your no’s – & very selective with your yes’s!
A note about non-human presences, entities: “Spirit craves the flesh” & presences will try every trick in the book to come inside you: masquerading as angels or masters; seduction & persuasion; promises of power, youth, enlightenment, etc, etc. Don’t view this with alarm, but as a great opportunity to be tested & trained into your power. Fortunately, we can make good use of another great spiritual law:
You may see the presence or spirit entity disappear, become blurry or smaller, or it may show its true colors & face to you…
3. A for Activate – The Prize Ahead: Your True Identity
The last step is to activate & reclaim your identity. Asking your Higher Self these 2 crucial questions on a regular basis realigns you to your original spiritual blueprint:
Both questions signal to your Higher Self – your greatest helper & “genie-in-a-bottle” – that you genuinely want the pure, highest version of who you truly are.
It’s also important that you take action to strengthen your identity. For example, simple changes such as not automatically saying yes or letting others decide for you (what restaurant to go to, etc) – either say no or propose your own choice instead. Many small steps add to great leaps!
As you expand, it will be harder for people to push into you or knock you off center – their distortions will actually serve to magnify your centeredness & you can use the chaos of the world to stabilize yourself. Then, instead of controlling you, others will honor you. People who are awakened cannot be destroyed!