
FREQUENCY SPA  |  Instant Frequency Meditations MP3 Download

Everything we are and everything that has ever existed is nothing more than energy vibrating at different frequencies. Beauty, youthfulness and ideal weight are no exception; the way you look and feel is an expression of the current state of your vibration. The Frequency Spa brings you the ultimate anti-aging solution – potent frequency meditations designed to reprogram your frequency to resonate at the vibration of beauty, youthfulness, and vitality! Frequency meditations are powerful meditations that work at your core frequency level to bring your life into complete abundance, and all Frequency Spa products are frequency meditations focused on different elements of health and beauty so that you can look and feel your very best. 

Frequency Spas are delivered remotely through live broadcasts and downloadable recordings. Click here to learn more about the different Frequency Spas we offer.  People have experienced a wide range of amazing benefits from Frequency Spa treatments - the list below is a sample of the effects people have reported in their testimonials. Read Frequency Spa testimonials here, and please share your own experience with us! 

  • Detoxify and eliminate blocked energies from body and spirit

  • Rejuvenate and regenerate aging cells

  • Release stress and remove worries

  • Elevate energy level

  • Stabilize mood swings

  • Regulate menstrual cycles

  • Enhance the result of conventional anti-aging treatments (creams, fillers, laser, etc)

  • Extend and prolong the effectiveness of conventional anti-aging treatments (creams, fillers, laser, etc)

  • Increase the motivation to work out and stay healthy

  • Get naturally attracted to foods that your body needs

  • Help attract the right doctor if you are considering surgical procedures

  • Ease the recovery process if you have had or are about to undergo surgical procedures

WARNING: The Xponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Mas requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed.

Mas Sajady is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. Nothing Mas or any agents/employees of Mas Sajady Inc. communicate should be construed as medical or psychological advice of any kind. Please see a health professional for all medical assessments & treatments. By viewing this statement and using any products, services or information contained herein, you agree to our Disclaimer and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Mas Sajady, Mas Sajady Inc. and any employees/agents of the Company of any liabilities.