Rawinia H

I have witnessed transformation not only within myself but also my sister’s life be transformed due to the 21 Day Medihealing Foundational Programme. Thank you Mas and Team

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I have felt very supported and respected by Mas over many years. I am saddened to hear that he and his family have had to experience harassment and public humiliation. As a survivor of emotional and psychological abuse myself, I know how terrible it feels when emotionally unwell people target the very people who are trying to help, heal and protect them.

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Penelope B

Mas shares his systematic, evidence-based scientific approach to being a whole, reasonable person with the public almost daily - tirelessly. Nowhere in his body of work will you find anything but strength and respect.

His subject matter is difficult to approach, and yet his approach is consistently elevated. He shoots from the hip, and gets straight to the point on a variety of sacred and taboo topics. I have not once in years heard a word of disrespect or even darkness in any form. You will find some sensational sound bytes that when taken out of context could raise questions, however this could be said of anyone at any time. We know this as a society.

It is my hope that Mas' current legal action against his attackers will come to a swift, precedent-setting resolution, and result in a cessation of the disturbing disruptions these women have apparently dedicated their lives to. This level of harassment would not be tolerated in many other countries. Freedom of speech is extremely important, however this shouldn't mean freedom of consequences for abusing this right.

On a personal note, I view the defamation and protests against Mas as very extreme unwarranted bad Yelp reviews - the type wherein clients write 8 paragraphs about how cold the food was, but spent 10 minutes getting the right Instagram shots before trying the food. It's got nothing to do with the business, it's the behaviour of the client + systemic flaws within our evolving society.

Good luck, Mas and Team!

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My experiences with Mas Sajady have benefited me greatly. He is an authentic human being.

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Mas has helped me understand my true potential and awakened me to an identity I never knew possible. Can’t wait to see what more is in store!

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I have been to several in person events in different locations and I have had a number of IGH and individual phone healings. Not only have I always found Mas Sajady to be completely professional in the interactions, I have found the work to help me move through releasing past trauma, gaining insight, and living a better life. Thank you Mas.

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Mary S.

My husband and I have both been to talks and sessions with Mas and never have experienced anything but professionalism and enlightenment in our own personal path. Our experience is his kind and giving nature. The video's I have seen make me sad that an individual is so consumed with hate she does not even see it.

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Ana D

It's ludicrous that anyone would perceive Mas to be anything other than a positive force in this world and I am SO grateful that he has made himself available to help me, my family and loved ones to heal.

Thank you Mas!!! And thank you for doing your work selflessly!!!

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Fatima P

I have been working with Mas Sajady and his team since 2013. Mas' work has helped me and my family immensely and continues to do so. I have also had the privilege of volunteering in some of his events. Something I thoroughly enjoy doing. I have always felt safe and enlightened around Mas. I support Mas and his team. I look forward to helping raise the consciousness of this world as I continue to transform myself, helping others in the process as well. Thank you to Mas for his guidance and continued work.

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He gave very perceptive and helpful insights.

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Martine E.

I spent a year working with Mas Sajady and I benefited by finally finding a job within the first month, and I have been looking for this job a year prior. I have nothing but good things to say about his work and the way he is helping others around the world.

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Mas was the first one who was able to help me out at with lasting effects. Nothing out the compares to him in efficiency & speed of improvement.

For most of life does take place predominatly in "empty space" aka the subtle realms, one can consider themself lucky to stumble upon him - especially since most of those who were able to work at these core-levels, have been libeled and slandered to even worse endings..

Thank you so much for all the work you are doing!

Kind regards from Bavaria


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I've never felt dependable, addictive, abused or drained after participating Mas Sajady's medihealings. I listened to more than 80, participated in 21 day, a couple of workshops and the Abuse series. And I am thankful for his and his team work and for the results I now see. It's been hard 3 years for me to observe all nonbeneficial, unsuccessful and damaging patterns, believes, choices and perspectives about myself I had. It was hard to accept their presence and to get to the point that I have the power, self-love and self respect to choose something better. And I'm happy that I succeed in doing it, because now I enjoy my life a lot more than before. I heel good with what I have and have the tools to follow my true desires. I am treated differently, I feel appreciated and loved, my relationships with family are more satisfying and loving and I'm more prosperous. I see how everything changed in a good way.

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Ilaria B

Dear Mas,

I am extremely grateful for the work you do to help people awaken and understand our real human potential.

I hope that your knowledge will once be considered the norm for all human beings and woman like the two stalkers cannot exist thanks to the consciousness that you are helping to spread.



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Thank you Mas for sharing with us all how to improve our lives for the inside out. It has helped me immensely.

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Therese L

Mas has been one of my main teachers for several years in unfolding my personal spiritual development, in understanding my being on planet Earth, and aligning with pure universal energy to express my true self to my highest potential in this lifetime.

Mas is wise and profound with a personal humility that is refreshing and keeps things real. I only met him in person once for a hands on medihealing and don't need to be in his physical presence to learn profound truths about myself through him.

I have heard Mas has a trash talking nay sayer who is lashing out at him in fear and causing herself a lot of unnecessary pain by atttacking him rather than addressing her own crap and letting go of her patterns of behaviour that keep her trapped in old anger and betrayals. I feel sad for her. Mas is a great teacher of our time and he helps me and so many worldwide live more peaceful, centred, fully expressed lives.

Mas doesn't claim to be perfect. None of us are. I would like to tell this angry, frustrated woman to deal with her own crap and let Mas continue along his ascension in consciousness teaching me and others who cherish his nurturing, beautiful teachings while expressing his life to the fullest. I would like to tell her to just let go, to smile at herself in the mirror, to hug herself, to love herself.

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Mas Sajady is a very charasitmatiic man who has brought a lot of joy and happiness into my life by his kind and enthusiastic words. He is a man whom I look up to and a person with good integrity. I stand by not only his good character, but also his enthusiasm to change the world for better, one individual at a time.

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Susan S

Mas Sajady is a kind, gentle, compassionate and very gifted and wise human being.

In just over a year, my life has improved and is changing in a very positive way since working with Mas. My family, marriage and finances are getting better and so much garbage and emotional trauma from the past has been removed permanently. The abuse has stopped and my relationships in general have greatly improved.

Mas' Medihealings, Podcasts and IGHs have been so soothing, healing and life changing.

In this world of duality, as is reflected on internet especially, it is 'normal' and not surprising to see HATERS trolling almost every alternative healing method ....or anything 'alternative'....Therefore, for me it is a miracle if Mas has only two HATERS in less than a decade of work and reaching over a million people globally...Great Job Mas!!!

I highly recommend Mas' work to anyone willing to take responsibility to improve their life and I offer full support to Mas and his Team!!!

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Şenay Ç.

I meditate with Mas since 2016, always about phone/webcall. I feel that Mas help me. I can feel that my energy/ my thinking changes. After Meditation I can reflect why Iam unhappy or weak or... . I get sometimes inputs, so that I know, what I have to change in my live and I can feel that this inputs results from my work with him.

Mas explains with his words how we people together and the world works and how healing is really possible. I join a lot of different healing methods, like family constallation, Yoga, QiGong, Therapie, Massage, Homöopathie... and the work with Mas and all together has a really positiv effect on me and I understand the life step by step better. I will that we all together can live in a peacefull free conscious abundand world. And we need more people like Mas! Thank you ?»?°

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