The Power Frequency

There are vibrations and frequencies you can “tune into” that will give you insight into the things you need to do and be, which is essentially a “wisdom wavelength”. Some creators call this being in a state of “flow” and some athletes refer to this as “being in the zone”.

The Power Frequency is a wavelength that is reached through expansion where the purest wisdom is acquired. The ability to ascend and transcend vibrates at various levels that allow people to have supernatural abilities.

Although I believe in powers and forces beyond my own, I also believe that we have more power inside of us than anyone has ever permitted you to believe in. The ability to heal ourselves, expand ourselves, and manifest what some might call miracles, is all within us.

Most people can’t suspend disbelief and seek out truth with an open mind. Aristotle said, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” If you want to truly be a truth seeker you must be able to ask questions, listen to the answers and even experiment upon the words. It’s harder than it sounds and yet it’s also quite simple. It’s what I call the Power Frequency Paradox.

A few words about power. Most people using the word “power” use it in the context of control, manipulation or to make themselves appear better than others, but power is nothing more than the ability to make things happen. Some people can make more things happen than others because they are more powerful. I am not looking to use my power to enslave anyone, rather I use my power to empower others. 

However, the “power” in the Power Frequency refers to how it’s focused, like a laser beam. Let me explain.

When people express an idea or opinion, their whole history is behind that idea or opinion. But what we are talking about with Power Frequency is like, “wait a second, let’s change the instrument sending out this frequency”. All that garbage you’re carrying behind you isn’t in the message, it’s just a pure frequency coming down, it’s like a laser beam – that’s why it’s powerful. If you can do this, you are a pure generator of the Power Frequency.

So how do you tune in to this level? In our experiences are growth opportunities. When we experience love, for example, it feels amazing, we are happy, but then our insecurities come up. The point of this experience is that we can grow and face the issues that are tainting our signal, to fix the issues that our signal has to be filtered through. Otherwise, those flaws become a lens that our signal must filter through. That’s all of the garbage: our personal hang-ups and weakness. When we do the work to resolve these issues and remove the baggage attached to them, then we can become a highly tuned source of the Power Frequency. Now it’s like going from 3 cylinders to all 12!

A person can create the Power Frequency by removing all of the different lenses we have, so that it’s all Source coming through. Source is the mechanism that sends the signal, it’s at the center of your being. That’s why we talk about “tuning the person”. It seems incredible but it’s possible and it’s an innate part of your being. 

There is already a lot of research underway related to what I call the Power Frequency. My work is most closely related to the field of Quantum Neuroscience. This may be misunderstood by some but it’s not a new area of study. Albert Einstein said, “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Scientists quite often stumble upon truths and hypothesize before they ever have all the evidence. Similarly, it’s not unusual for those people to be persecuted. Sometimes it’s just a limiting belief until someone breaks through. For decades, if not longer, mankind was trying to break the 4-minute mile, with many believing it was literally impossible. Once it was broken and the belief changed it became something that multiple men accomplished. The Power Frequency is experienced and felt at many levels mentally, physically, and more.