The Real Meaning of Freedom

What is Real Freedom?

If you look at the course of human history, you’ll see that the masses of humanity have never really been free. They’ve always been fighting for their freedom or rebelling against oppression of some kind. So whether you look at it from that big level – nation, states, countries, or religions – or from the level of the individual person, you can see that people have always been striving to free themselves in some way.

When it comes to freedom, the first task is to define what it means to you. People who make a lot of money are often driven by a feeling of needing to prove to the world that they can be somebody. Perhaps they were bullied in school and were driven to succeed as a result … but are they free from that ‘bully’ years later? Many people gravitate towards money because of what we’ve idealized money to be… and other individuals would gravitate towards knowledge or spirituality. The state of striving – always thinking they have to work hard to get to another state of being – keeps them thinking that they will never truly be free until they achieve a goal… until they are different from how they are right now.

As Xponential Intelligence (XI) has become more and more popular, I’ve observed many people operating from a position of believing they’re not enough at point A, so they must strive to get to point B. My work is about helping people to understand themselves as a complete being: helping people to unite their physical self with their timeless self so there is no longer a rigid differentiation between the two. The good news is that with the current chaos going on – financial systems breaking down, for example – this allows us to break away from the things that have bound us and find our freedom.

The new consciousness dictates real freedom, so there's going to be a huge call from people wanting to be more and more free. This also demands that we redefine everything – freedom, transparency, control, lack, sacrifice – from first principles to their deeper meaning.

So what is real freedom? Freedom is not that you can do whatever you need or want to; whenever you want it, that's not freedom because there are always consequences. What most people want for freedom is, “I can do anything I want, and then I'm good.” And you can do that; you can eat Big Macs all day long, smoke cigarettes, and do whatever else – but again, there are always consequences to your freedom. So that's not real freedom. 

If you really, really want to be free, then you have to be in control of yourself at a different level. The key is that, for freedom to come through, there has to be discipline and then control; it's a give and take. That way, the consequences are under control, and then you're free to do whatever you need to do to benefit yourself and ascend higher. 

Freedom dictates that you control your own self; that's basically what freedom is. And what this means is that you have to take ownership and control of your space. It's about discipline on how to use time and space, disciplining yourself to stabilize in time and space so you stay stable no matter what – and can be free to be your best self. 

This is really important when it comes to kids. Children are born innately to take control of their space, and it's built within them. So even though it sounds crazy, more kids will want to be disciplined or controlled. Just like kids of today naturally gravitate to computer technology, they’re of that new timeframe or consciousness that demands more control or more discipline. Unfortunately, most people will take that the wrong way and kids will be disciplined in the old ways: you did something wrong, and you get slapped. That's the wrong discipline and control that kids are demanding. In reality, what they're demanding is to know about space and time. They want to know how to stabilize themselves in this reality to be the best of themselves. 

You’ve heard the saying that “the truth will set you free.” But it’s not the truth that sets you free. It’s the consciousness you’re in when you hear the truth that sets you free.