Inner Expansion

So many people subscribe to the idea that they are broken in a way that needs to be fixed. This often leads to counseling based on resolving old issues and injuries. This whole premise keeps us stuck as individuals, revisiting and replaying the same old songs or programs in our heads. We must learn how to tune out of the static, tune out of the negative stations playing and these things that much of the world broadcasts. Instead, we must learn how to turn the dial, tune into higher frequencies and find the stations and voices that are broadcasting at a true level of brilliance. When we reside and live within the brilliance being broadcasted at higher frequencies, our human potential is only a heartbeat away.

My two near-death experiences have allowed me to see the limitless potential that we humans possess. The experience of having someone that can cut through your weaknesses and spotlight your greater potential is more intoxicating than the pursuit of power or wealth. Ironically, humans pursue power and wealth because they think it will make them better, but that is rarely the case. Who wouldn’t want someone that could help reveal the best of themselves? Showing someone their full potential and helping them achieve it is a real passion of mine and my life’s work.

To start accessing your true potential, you must be ready and open to switch the station playing or to change the channel you are on. This is more of a “frequency tuning” skill that can be learned than a hard work and sweat thing that must be endured. We all have talents, and we all have things we can learn. First, we need to see the blessings already given and start using them. To put it more clearly, think of Roger Bannister, who made history by breaking the belief that humans can’t run a four-minute mile by literally doing just that. Soon after, more broke that barrier and limitation, including some that actually exceeded it by running the mile even faster than 240 seconds. Now it’s a common occurrence to run that fast or faster. I am one of the pioneers that is breaking the limiting beliefs of human potential. I can help people break their own four-minute mile barriers.

The process of breaking through your limitations and reaching the true and grander version of yourself is what I call your Inner Expansion. Think of my abilities, which we all have, as the amplification of our five senses. For example, dogs can hear sounds we can’t. Bees can see higher scales of the light frequencies. Now imagine exceeding the limitations of our five senses to an extreme where it breaks the barrier of spacetime. If you can maintain this state of being, you become the knowledge. This state of being is your Inner Expansion. You merely know what you know, about someone or any given subject. By the way, it’s not psychic abilities or intuition which are limited and limiting.  

Your integrity dictates the level of data you can access from a person, as well as your ability to rewrite their life blueprint to better themselves. When I work with people, I bypass the fuzzy logic of emotions, beliefs and personal truths. At this core level, the unpredictable human turns into a predictable program with specific algorithms or behaviors which can now be easily rewired with my abilities. 

When I went through a “dark night of the soul” and the process of realizing my own abilities after my second near-death experience, I had a series of epiphanies.  Many things I assumed about how life works, including my common beliefs about wealth, shifted and were reshaped. Enlightenment, and even how we age, purified into an extreme level of understanding and logic. When you experience a true epiphany, you are changed at a cellular level with every fiber of your being. 

Trusting and suspending disbelief are important parts of the process toward your Inner Expansion. There is a lot of fear in the world, most of which at its core is fear of the unknown. This fear keeps many from moving forward. Look back in history and your own personal life.  You’ll recognize that human societies are wrestling with many problems from a millennium ago despite today’s many technological advances. Isn’t it time to wake up to our potential and live the life many desire? We all have the potential to develop the same abilities I have. It’s rooted in deep science if you are willing to learn. Try something new, experiment with what works for the growing awakened world around you.