XI Frequencies & Water: A Scientific Study

Water is vital for life and plays an important role in many biological processes. The adult human body is made up of approximately 70% water and leading edge research points to the central role of water in health. 

Given the crucial role of water in cell structure and biological processes, we wanted to find out how XI frequencies could potentially change water. To help us to answer this question, we teamed up with the Emoto Institute in Japan to investigate the effect of XI frequencies on water crystal formation. 

Dr. Masuru Emoto gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness and that energy and information in the form of words, music or thought has a positive or negative effect on the formation of water crystals. He demonstrated through magnetic resonance analysis how water exposed to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intentions results in aesthetically pleasing physical molecular formations in the water, while water exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions results in disconnected, disfigured, and “unpleasant” physical molecular formations

Top: Water crystal before and after wellness treatment. Bottom: Water crystal before and after prayer/meditation. Pictures by Masaru Emoto

In 2022, the Emoto Institute conducted a water crystal study with Mas Sajady. Mas worked remotely for 15 minutes on a water sample located at the Emoto laboratory in Japan from his home town Minneapolis, USA. A second sample was set aside as a control and was not worked on by Mas. The samples were then analyzed using crystal photography and results are shown below.

Figure A Left: Water crystal from control (untreated sample) Right: Water crystal from sample exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes

Figure B Left: Water crystal from control (untreated) water sample. Right: Water crystal from sample exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes

Figure C Left: Water crystal from control (untreated) water sample. Right: Water crystal from sample exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes

In general, the water samples that were exposed remotely to Mas’ frequencies produced crystals that are more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing compared to the untreated samples. Notably, the test water sample contained a much higher number of ‘Beautiful Hexagonal’ crystals which are classed as the most beautiful crystals.

Figure D Left: Beautiful Hexagonal crystals from control (untreated) water sample. Right: Beautiful Hexagonal crystals from water sample exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes. 

This experiment provides visual and numerical data which suggests that XI affects the structure of water and causes the formation of a more coherent, beautiful water crystal structure. 

Based on the increasing evidence indicating the central role of water in health and biological processes, this study suggests that Mas’ frequencies have the potential to positively impact health and cellular integrity to a large degree. Given that the human body is made up of approximately 70% water, it would make sense that the quality and structure of this water would largely affect biological function. 

We will continue our investigation into the effects XI frequencies on the human body, and we invite our friends in the scientific community to join in the study. If you would like to be involved, email us at research@massajady.com.

“The future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” -Albert Einstein

XI Recommendation: 

If XI can have such an incredible effect on beautifying water crystals, imagine what frequency work could do to restore and restructure the human mind and body. Immerse yourself in the power of frequencies as part of a self-care regimen to help enhance physical function, vibrancy, anti-aging and beauty. Frequency Spa Subscriptions Now Available