First Principles are commonly known concepts, beliefs, ideas, and problems that are broken down into their basic elements and then reassembled from the ground up, showing the underlying truth they were built on – the first principle.
Aristotle defined a first principle as “the first basis from which a thing is known.”
Elon Musk says, “Boil things down to fundamental truths… and then reason up from there.”
With XI, we're getting into a whole new consciousness and clarity on how reality really works. To understand reality, we have to understand the first principle, the first definition of where ideas come from.
The first principle process teaches you to think for yourself, unlocks your creative potential, and moves you from linear to non-linear thinking. With XI, you might get confused as we jump from one subject to another, but it intrigues you enough to spark something inside. And then the answers that you seek externally, start to come from within you.
It allows you to get out of the rut of finding the same type of solutions for the same type of questions, recycled over and over again. That's why your relationship, health or wealth issues don’t change.
The first principle definition of confusion allows you to center and ground your timeless self into your time-bound self.. Then the purity of your timeless self pushes the distortions out…That's what confusion is about.
Is confusion a bad thing? No. Is a teacher who confuses their students a bad teacher? No. At its first principle level, confusion is an important part of the learning process.
In this reality, for most people, confusion is messed up. Do you notice they just go downhill when they make the wrong choices? For example, you're confused because your belief systems aren't working for you but then you go - shit, that belief system has been around for ages; my mom used it, my dad used it, my religion tells me, or my political leader tells me that I should hold on to it. Then what do you do? You hold on to it; you use the same problem-solving methods, solutions, and addictive patterns that didn't work before. It was leaving you, and you're going - no, come back.
And then what happens is that it distorts you, it distorts the purity of who you are, and your higher self is going - wait a second, you're supposed to be at a pure level here, and now you're pulling that in? Are you sure? And you go - yep, I want to hold on to that shit. Then your purity gets distorted and messed up and your distortion is part of you now. So, if you don't let go of your impurities, they will strengthen.
It's a great time to be alive. There’s a lot of confusion, which means a lot of opportunities for people to clean up.
With first principle confusion, as you start to purify, you get stronger, and there's more of a separation from your distortions. So confusion then forms into solidness or completeness. And then you go to the next level of consciousness, and it starts over. But, over time, you just start to know it's a cycle, so you get less and less confused.
This is where you start to observe the cycle that you go through. You're not affected by the cycle, but you observe the transition period and confusion you're going through. And that's where detox becomes really cool, and you’re using confusion to benefit you.