XI First Principles | Living in Harmony

Aristotle defined a first principle as “the first basis from which a thing is known”, and Elon Musk says, “Boil things down to fundamental truths… and then reason up from there.” With XI, we're getting into a whole new consciousness and clarity on how reality really works. To understand reality, we have to understand the first principle, the first definition of where ideas come from. 

The first principle process teaches you to think for yourself, unlocks your creative potential, and moves you from linear to non-linear thinking. 

In conventional thinking, harmony is on the outside and for millennia, humanity has been striving for wholeness by trying to create harmony in their outer lives – this never works. To become truly whole, you must first have inner harmony. Today we will explore the conventional definition of harmony compared to the first principle definition. 

The conventional definition of harmony:

You go to college, get married, have kids and raise those kids. Then you try to find yourself, perhaps through religion or spirituality, or you become a philanthropist if you're wealthy, and that is that conventional journey to living in harmony or being whole. You become complete and satisfied and you start to help other people because you're whole – or at least you think you’re whole. This is where philanthropy and helping others really comes from, because you want to become whole and complete before you die. 

The basis of the conventional definition of living in harmony, is about becoming complete before you die so that you can ascend to a higher level or (in conventional wisdom), heaven; and if you're not whole, you go down to hell, which is all bullshit anyway. Well, it's not bullshit, but the way it's described is not true.

The conventional definition of living in harmony isn’t the real definition. Conversely, the first principle, or XI definition is based on the way the physics of this reality works.

The first principle definition of becoming whole:

There is no distortion between your cells or in your cellular memory. That way, you can harmonize. The first principal definition of becoming whole is harmonization; not harmonization with your outside world – rather, it's a harmonization of self. You cannot harmonize if there's distress, lack, distortions, abuse patterns, and so on within your cellular structure because that's where you hold your identity – not in your mind, but in your cellular memory. 

You have trillions of cells within you and as a result of these distorted patterns that you are carrying, there's a lot of frequency residue or toxins in between and within these cells. This residue deforms the cells and creates a lot of separation within your physical being. This is where one aspect or part of you might feel good, while the other aspects may not feel so good. This is where you get diseased – parts of your being are not in harmony with each other, and disease is caused by disharmony in the system.

Becoming whole is actually an internal dialogue. Once you begin to resonate at a higher frequency through practicing XI, your cells attune to this frequency and you start to harmonize at a cellular level. You feel complete, and it’s an internal completeness, not an external completeness just yet.

Becoming whole in a conventional way is about seeking wholeness through external means – making money, finding a relationship, becoming successful etc. The first principle definition of becoming whole is that you become whole internally, with your higher self and physical form integrated, and only essential filters in between. That's harmony. 

Once you become harmonious internally, that harmony begins to reflect externally, in your outer life. You start to harmonize with the world around you, your loved ones, and the people you come into contact with. You harmonize with your spouse if it's supposed to be. If it's not supposed to be, you harmonize by separating. Either way, you're in balance, in tune, in harmony with the frequencies of nature, which is basically the best possible self that you can be.

For example, I can just walk into the store and people just feel like ”‘oh, that guy's just like me”, and they naturally like me. Even if they were prejudiced against my culture they’d think “that guy is different”. 

In the past, it was about disharmony ‘You're different, and because you're different, I'm better’ (that's how people try to stay in harmony within themselves). But when you're harmonized internally, you see people's differences, but you know on a deeper level that they're all the same, they just have different clothes, different cultures, different religions, different genders, and so on. And then you start to see the beauty of that culture or that individual. And that's how we unite as a world. The only way we can make beneficial change in the world is to harmonize or become whole internally. Wholeness begets wholeness.