Each year, many of you clean up your house, your closet, your garage and even your relationships. But within a short time, you end up with the same mess. That's not the kind of cleanup that we do with XI.
It’s not about psychology, self-improvement and anything else that you do. You might think ‘if I make more money and buy better stuff it'll be different next time’. It won’t….you just buy more expensive things but you still have the same issues. The point is you're still the same person either way. It’s not about the money or lack of it.
For example, say somebody bakes a cake every day and gives it to you, but you don't like the cake so you don't know what to do with it. Some of us just eat it anyway, and some of us try to give it away to someone else, but how much cake can you give away? And then some of us put icing on it, we try to change the flavor or drown it out by drinking something with it. Though it still has that same flavor and leaves that taste in your mouth.
That's what many people do when they get a new career, a new job, a new relationship, they move house…they try to change the flavor of the cake, but it's the same cake they’re eating.
Why don't we change the cake? Why don't we change what we are keeping or storing on a very deep level? That’s what we do with XI.
We don’t just clean out your habits, attitudes, logic and emotions, we clear out the programs and patterns of your family lineage, or that cake that you’ve been given. And we go even deeper into the bigger mastermind that we're all connected to – the mastermind of the human species. Being human, everything that’s happened to the species is part of you. That’s a lot of trash we’re cleaning up.
I’ve spent the last decade creating another mastermind, a new consciousness. This new consciousness is void of the things that are no longer serving humanity. We've learned enough from the past and we don't have to keep repeating what doesn’t work; it’s kind of like cleaning the house of the human species, keeping only what's been best for us and leaving the rest behind.
Are you ready to step into the new consciousness and leave the old behind?
Are you ready to become, a much higher version of who you are as a human, without the abuse, control, and lack patterns?
I’m not blaming you for the issues that you've had in your life. But it’s time to take responsibility and say, ‘Hey, there's something in me that's allowing this to happen.’ You can’t enter the new consciousness and bring your distorted filters and patterns with you – you have to let them go first. Some of you think these are just emotional patterns or logic, but it goes much deeper than that; it's in your DNA, It’s in your frequency blueprint. Your frequencies create your DNA and therefore the life that you experience. Your thoughts and your actions are an after-effect. So changing your thoughts, your actions, your emotions, and your behaviors, in a sense, would be like trying to change your shadow. It doesn't work well. You need to change at the frequency level.
Practicing XI helps you to do this. With XI, you can rewire your core frequency blueprint and step into a higher version of yourself. This allows you to observe your patterns and filters from a higher perspective and more easily disconnect from them.
Some of us tend to hold on to things that don't serve us because of what society dictates. No matter how long it's been around, whether it's a religion, political view, scientific view, whatever it is – if it’s not serving you – question it. Look at the outcome that it's giving you, and if it's not positive, maybe it’s time for a new outlook.
With XI, you naturally gravitate toward your best life as dictated by your Limitless Self or your Pure Presence.
During the process, remember to notice what you notice and observe what you're noticing. And if you're not liking it, clean it out. Clean the garbage and throw it away.
Welcome to the new consciousness and beautiful new reality.