The Fountain of Youth

Is the fountain of youth real or a wishful mirage we all yearn for on our journey of life?

Given the advancement of science and the marvels of technology, are new medicines, better supplements, organics, AI implants, leading towards the fountain of youth? Or is it all just another avenue to perpetuate business endeavors?

In his new book, Life force, Tony Robbins credits his recovery from a debilitating ailment “to a well-designed training regimen, cutting-edge technology, a healthy diet and the power of regenerative medicine”.

But if cutting-edge technology is the answer, why is today's society the unhealthiest it ever been, despite the advancement in medicine and technology? 

You can argue that eating non-GMO foods, a healthier environment, less stress, is the answer. But despite having the best life, many still find themselves imprisoned by health and aging issues spawned by genetics and society’s norms. 

Like many who believe in this exhaustive method, Tony is on a time treadmill that goes faster with age – just to maintain quality of life becomes a never ending battle. You will always end up losing to time because how many more supplements, more injections can a body handle?

The problem with Life Force or anything similar is that it may help, but it doesn’t address the origin of aging and disease. To paraphrase Einstein, “You can’t solve a problem from the same level of consciousness as the problem itself”. We must go deeper to find real solutions –solutions for this and future generations that obliterate the fear of aging like our parents, getting a life threatening disease, or falling ill.

Over a decade of research with over 100,000 individual client sessions conducted on real people, not lab studies, suggests that the fountain of youth is real and it can be achieved through the new science of Xponential Intelligence, a fusion of Quantum Neuroscience and the power of frequencies. Below are examples of XI’s possibilities.

A 10 year old girl with severe mental instability, she would chase her mother with a knife and scream for hours. She had 5 doctors and was on 6 different prescriptions. The doctors’ consensus was to confine her in a padded cell for 6 months with no human intervention. Her mother, desperate for a solution, found my work. The morning after her 10-minute session her mother was in tears because her little girl was back. She now lives a normal life, has a loving relationship with her mom and is becoming a leader amongst her friends. 

I can tell you dozens of stories just like this.

A girl, 25, who has had 5 heart surgeries by the time she was 10. The Mayo Clinic was experimenting with 3D-printing a heart for her transplant. After eleven 20-minute sessions over a period of 9 months, the results from the Mayo Clinic report that her heart is regenerating itself. But XI is more than healing what ails the body. She has transformed into a completely different being. She lives with joy and love and can focus on her potential.

I can’t explain the miracles of spontaneous healing. It is beyond the concepts of what the mind and current science can grasp. However, I can help you access your natural healing abilities. And, by the way, we all have the ability that I’ve honed to pinpoint and help awaken one's own healing abilities. 

I believe that XI in combination with Life Force or something similar can bring within our grasp new opportunities of healing and aging younger, and help us find the fountain of youth.


XI Recommendation: Frequency Spa, a life-changing one of a kind program, using advanced frequency and anti-aging technology to unlock DNA programming for youthful vitality, longevity and well-being. More Information