Mas calls it the “secret behind the secret”. In this week’s edition of XI-Pedia, we look at your Higher Self and how to make it your best ally in everyday life. And we show you Asking, the second step in our O&A power formula, done right. Kick back, relax & read on!
Key Takeaways:
Why asking your higher self is a huge act of power, activating your natural higher intelligence & trusting it to bring you the best solution to any problem
How to properly practice O&A (Observe & Ask), a dynamite XI formula to supercharge your personal growth
How to ask your higher self the right way and how to receive the answers
Why marrying your higher self with your ego-mind is the next quantum leap in human consciousness
Your Higher Self
Mas has called the higher self the “secret behind the secret”. It is the intelligence that runs Life, Nature and the Universe, seamlessly coordinating everything – from the dance of the celestial bodies to the workings of the trillions of cells in your body.
This intelligence is exponentially more powerful than the human mind, which is greatly limited by time and space. And because it permeates all of life, it is also your intelligence, or your higher self. This natural higher intelligence present in your cells’ DNA, is what Mas calls your “body-brain”.
Engaging your higher self is the next evolutionary step in human consciousness. This intelligence has laid dormant or ‘offline’ for most people, but we are biologically wired to awaken to this natural intelligence already encoded in our DNA. XI teaches you how to access and live from your higher self, making it your best friend and ally – in essence, how to live in harmony with Life’s frequencies.
Asking Your Higher Self
It is, of course, necessary to keep your lower mind ‘on’ to do things in the world, but call in your higher self when faced with a bigger question or challenge – such as changing a behavior or making important decisions.
What you’re aiming for is a collaboration or partnership: your ‘timeless’ and ‘time-bound’ selves interacting together, learning to switch on and off between the two.
Timeless self = higher self
Time-bound self = physical self
One of the best ways to bring in your higher self is to - Ask!
By the simple act of asking your higher self for an answer, you’re signaling your “body-brain” to awaken into action, bringing ‘online’ the awesome intelligence of Life that’s already in you. You’re using your ‘genie in the bottle’ – who knows best – to bring you the optimal solution. It is a massive act of power!
So train yourself to constantly ask, to nourish your higher intelligence. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. If you don’t use it, you lose it!
O&A in Action
Asking is the last part of our 2-punch dynamite formula. Let’s look at the figure below to show O&A in action:
To practice O&A in the best and most effective way, it’s important to cultivate the correct attitude.
Aim for something like, “I’ve noticed I have this issue. I agree to ask my higher self & give up trying to fix it myself.” Then take a nap, work on your car or make dinner.
The key is to let go of the knee-jerk reaction to solve the problem or make a decision with your mind or your emotions. Instead, TRUST your higher self and expect a NEW solution to appear. And it will.
The flowchart shows how to bring on this attitude: you agree to “pause & not decide” – or not act – and to “trust & expect” the best solution. Letting go of the deeply ingrained impulse to act (especially in time-critical or painful situations) will take practice!
The pyramid at the bottom of the flowchart symbolizes the solid foundation you create by practicing O&A, from which you can safely elevate and grow ever higher. The sun at the top of the pyramid depicts the light of awareness now illuminating your life, and the river at the base how you now flow in harmony with Nature’s time and frequencies.
Examples of Asking: Right & Wrong Ways
You’re trusting your ‘life genie’ to know best – and it does! It has a vastly greater perspective and consciousness than ‘you’ and it knows your strengths and weaknesses intimately, using them to your best advantage... But beware of a caveat: you will get the best solution you need to grow and expand, not the one you may want.
Let’s look at some examples of how to ask your higher self.
Wrong way to ask: “How can I make Peter/Mary fall in love with me?” This tries to impose your will on someone else’s, and Peter/Mary may also not be the best partner for your growth.
Right way: “How can I be with the best possible partner for me?”
Wrong way: “How do I get the job I just interviewed for?” This job may be totally the wrong job for your growth, or the wrong job at the wrong time, or you may actually need a vacation…
Right way: “How can I get the best possible job for me?”
Wrong: “When am I going to be rich/healthy/happy etc.?” This brings up the issue of timing. Your higher self, Life’s intelligence, doesn’t work in linear, human time. Nature’s time flows in cycles and there’s a ‘ripe time’ for everything – like a butterfly, it can only break out of its cocoon and spread its wings when the growth cycle has completed and “the time has come”.
Right: “What is the best way for me to become abundant in all areas?” or “How can I live at my highest possible level?”
Wrong: “How can I get my partner/child/parent/boss etc. to stop treating me like sh*t?” This assumes that by changing the other your situation will improve and puts the power of how you feel on them. There will always be situations you cannot control, but the power to change how you react to any situation is always yours.
Right: “What is it in me that’s allowing this to happen?” There is a profound teaching and alchemical magic in this simple question. It signals that you know you are the only boss and sovereign creator of your reality and of everything that happens to you – and therefore, you have the power to change it (if you know how). If you are mistreated, it means that you are allowing the mistreatment, but also that you can disallow it by changing yourself. It is a key question to ask over and over if you run victim, underdog or other patterns of dis-empowerment.
A magic trick: Even if you haven’t fully owned your true power over your reality, ask the question “as-if” you already have, or “fake it till you make it” – uttering the words in this question often will instill this profound truth and help you reclaim your power over your own life.
Because this is such a key question to ask yourself, we will cover it again in future XI-Pedia articles.
Receiving the Answers
In Mas’ words, “You never get it the way you expect it." The answer may not be what, when or how you want or expect, but it will be what you most need at this point in your journey.
Example: You’re sure your current partner is your ‘soulmate,’ and you have asked your higher self to step in, hoping to smooth the wrinkles in the relationship. You’ve placed your trust in your higher self and are confident that the solution to your love problems is coming. You are shocked and devastated when it all quickly falls apart…
Once you have opened the door to your ‘inner genie,’ you have realigned yourself with your deeper truth, and anything false or standing in the way of that higher version of who you truly are will be purged – you will detox! In this case, your ‘soulmate’ was an obstacle to the awakened you and, with time, you will come to see and appreciate the greater wisdom that caused this ‘calamity.’
There are many ways in which the answers could come: feeling pulled in a certain direction; a new door opens or you meet someone that offers the solution; a dream, message, book or other signal appears…
When you learn to integrate the higher self with your lower mind, the new possibilities, abilities and realities that will open up for you are practically boundless. You’re becoming “Xponentially Intelligent”!
Make your higher self your best friend. Remember that you can “O&A yourself out of” most situations – eventually, you will need Mas’ direct help less and less as you come into your own power to see and fix your life’s challenges.
Even if you’re skeptical that the higher self exists, you can try asking and see what happens. As Thomas Jefferson said:
“If you want something you’ve never had, you have to try something you’ve never done.”
Join us next week for a new article diving deep into XI basics!
The ancient Greeks and Romans knew of the higher self. For them, every person is born with a divine ‘attendant soul’ or ‘guardian spirit’ that accompanies you for life. The Romans called it your “genius,” literally meaning ‘begetter’ (your ‘genie’ created you). The Greeks called it your “daimon” (which over time became our word for ‘demon’). Every Roman venerated their genius on their own birthday, making offerings of food and drink. Today both words have lost their original meaning – and the higher self became a forgotten “secret”...