READ Space-Time PART 1
Key Takeaways:
Why and how the ‘human you’ is created
What the ultimate goal of human existence is, and how we have lost sight of it
Why humans can move between different realities while animals can’t
What the space-time grid is and why its center is so important
How spatial referencing moves you closer to center
Why and How You Are Created
Have you ever wondered why and how you were created?
The simple answer is: you created yourself!
You are both the creator and its creation. The ‘human you’ is a dual being: your timeless essence or higher self (the creator) and your time-bound self (the creature). But your true, authentic self is your timeless self.
Your higher self is Pure Consciousness, limitless, infinite and eternal – and by its nature, creative and curious. Consciousness is both Creator and Explorer of its creation.
And the grandest gift you have ever created for yourself is Time and Space!
Space-time is the great playground, the grand sandbox your timeless self has created to play in – to explore all the possibilities of its creation and experience its own brilliance through it.
The ‘human you’ is the brilliance of your consciousness ‘clothed’ in layer upon layer of density (or “filters”), so it can experience itself bound by space and time. In other words, you are ‘light cloaked in matter’ playing in the ‘sandbox of space and time’.
In Mas’ words, the ultimate goal – for every one of us – is “to render yourself down to the core of your timeless essence in the NOW.” To create yourself ‘down here’ ‘wearing’ the bare minimum layers to cover your real essence, and live out ‘uncloaked’ in this world.
But there is a problem: we have lost ourselves in space-time… We have lost our bearings and sight of what we’re really here for. We have a serious navigation and disorientation problem!
XI is really about showing us where we have gone wrong and how to navigate space-time properly, so we can fulfill the real purpose of human existence – and get back to playing!
You may have heard Mas say that “it is all about understanding reference points and where you create yourself in the 4th dimension of space-time.” Let’s look at what this really means.
Moving between Realities
Movies like The Matrix introduced moving between different realities — for example, when Neo walks through a door, he enters a different space (and time). The new space feels different, and Neo’s inner state changes with it; what he senses, thinks and feels also changes.
What if I were to tell you that you are constantly doing this — constantly changing realities — you’re just not aware of it? Our outer environment may not change as radically as Neo walking through a door, but our inner environment is constantly moving among realities or different locations in the space-time grid.
How do we know this? You can tell through your feelings: any time you feel unstable, uncentered, disoriented, you (your consciousness) have changed reality or moved to a new position in space-time.
There are two important points to note from this:
As we saw is part 1, humans have the unique ability to move out of our bodies and travel in space and time with our consciousness – unlike animals which are ‘locked in present time’ and always fully in their bodies. This is an incredible feat, allowing us to experience ourselves and reality from different perspectives or points of view – or what in XI are called “reference points.”
Where you are in space and time – your “when & where” in the space-time grid, or your “4th coordinate” – effectively creates the reality you are in and, in turn, the quality of your life! In other words:
Your Location = Your Reality
Where you are = How you feel & What you experience
You may have realized by now that it is precisely this ability to move around in space-time – and create different realities for ourselves – that is behind our great ‘disorientation problem’. We haven't mastered how to properly navigate space-time and often create (or render) ourselves in realities that are far from ideal.
The key is learning to ‘home back to center’. Let’s illustrate all this with some figures and examples.
The Space-Time Bullseye
A simple way to visualize 4D space-time (three dimensions of space plus time) is as a sphere of 3D space riding on a linear axis of time intersecting the sphere’s center at the now. Rendered on a flat page, it would look like the figure below.
Any location in space-time – 4th coordinate or reality – can be represented by a point along a circle in this ‘bullseye grid’.
The center of the bullseye, marked by a star, is the most important location or reality: the “crossroads of space and time”. At this center, also called the zero-point, is the only “true reality”: the present moment and the direct connection to your higher self or source of life, which lives in the eternal now and is your original state of limitless power and abundance.
You may have heard Mas talk about “the proximity between your timeless self and your time-bound self.” And this is what it’s all about! The ultimate goal is to learn how to render yourself as close as possible to true center – to ‘hit the target in the bullseye’. Because this is where a reality of all-around abundance, as befits your true core identity, can be had. Anywhere else requires you to sacrifice your essence or energy to maintain that reality – in other words, it is non-abundant.
Your proximity to center is synonymous with your level of abundance and awakening. Conversely, how “far off the mark” you are, will translate into varying degrees of distortion, dis-ease and misery.
Learn to live in the NOW as much as possible, control your location and hold your center, and you will have mastered the game. You can then navigate the expanse of space-time without getting lost in other realities (by expanding out from center instead of separating and flying out of your body – more on this in future articles).
We can say the “equation of life” is:
Proximity to Center = Awakening + Abundance + Wellbeing
Examples of Different Locations/Realities
This second figure shows three different example locations on space-time, or realities, R1-R3. The dotted vertical line represents the now or present moment. Any location intersecting the now line is a reality lived in the present moment but at varying distances from the bullseye center, or “perfect reality”.
Example R1. This person is fully in the now line and will not have the anxieties, fears and depression of someone rendering himself either ahead of or behind time. His life is placid and happy. However, R1 is still at a certain distance from the source of life at the center. This translates as a lack of abundance. This individual, although happy, will not be abundant in some areas of his life (relationships, money, work etc).
Example R2. By contrast, R2 is not rendering himself at the present moment but is closer to the center. This reality indicates greater overall abundance, but because it is slightly behind and beside time, this person will experience time distortions, such as having trouble being on time, feeling life passing them by or being left behind.
Example R3. This reality/location is much more distant from center and the now. This person is rendering herself well ahead of time and far from abundance. She may often feel impatient, fearful, anxious, “running out of time” or rushing everywhere to avoid missing something. Overall, she will be unstable and “all over the place,” lacking in most aspects of life.
How to Live Closer to Center: Spatial Referencing
So how can we live closer and closer to the true reality at center?
In Part 1, we saw how orienting ourselves in space and time is our most fundamental need for survival (more so than air or water). If we can’t pin ourselves in space and time – for example, by moving too far from center, the source of life – we cannot stay in physical reality and cease to exist.
At a psychological level, the need to “hold on to time and space” translates as the need to stabilize or to feel stable and thus safe (this is what ‘madmen’ cannot do). In fact, everything we do at a psychological level is unconsciously aimed at holding on to space-time or stabilizing ourselves “here”.
However, most of the strategies we have devised to stabilize ourselves are fraught with distortions – and the consequences are plain for all to see: abuse, suffering, sacrifice, control, codependency, dishonesty, etc. In terms of space-time, we render ourselves at locations or realities too far off-center, manifesting as dis-ease in all aspects: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.
One of the most important practical contributions of XI is to develop your awareness and control of space-time. Today we end by introducing a crucial technique to recenter yourself: spatial referencing. We will cover spatial referencing in more detail in a future article, along with two other powerful space-time techniques: awareness of your reality and “mastering completeness”.
Spatial Referencing: The original purpose of Spatial Referencing is to always stay stable, no matter the environment or situation you are in – so that nothing can throw you off-center. It is a crucial and natural skill to achieve space-time orientation in any realm.
Spatial Referencing allows you to pinpoint where you are in space-time by referencing what’s around you. It is your own personal echolocation or “GPS”. In this physical realm, we use the five senses to spatially reference ourselves.
It can be practiced at different levels. The most basic involves referencing three objects (never people) to triangulate your external position. You can also triangulate internally by using body parts to pinpoint the center of your body. Or look back at yourself from the perspective of different body parts to reference yourself from different viewpoints.
All of these bring you back into your body and the present moment, bypassing your distortions and resetting you to center.
In more advanced forms, spatial referencing can be done against other realities and other people, but only when you are solid and well-defined in your identity and have mastered your frequencies.
At the higher realms where there is no longer a physical body or the senses, spatial referencing is done against another consciousness. Spatial Referencing is a basic tool of space-time and is not restricted to humans. Any being able to create reference points, such as alien beings, also automatically use it to locate and orient themselves.
As we’ve seen, any distortion ultimately means we are ‘off the crosshairs’ – we’re either ‘not in time’ or ‘in the wrong place’.
In Part 1 we covered some examples of time distortions. Space distortions, or ‘being in the wrong place’, mean we are each living in different realities (or different coordinates) from one another – and not in the one true reality. We’re sometimes living somebody else’s reality, or switching between multiple identities, each in its own reality, depending on the situation; or even splitting one identity among different realities.
We’ll continue our dive into the different aspects of Space-Time in upcoming XI-Pedia articles, moving closer to our ultimate goal: to understand and master how we render ourselves in space-time. See you next week!