Attracting Your Ultimate Soulmate

So many people strive to have the ultimate soulmate relationship.

Most sense the possibility of having a timeless relationship – one where the connection keeps getting stronger and the intimacy deeper, where you can just hang out with that person without doing anything and feel totally comfortable. A relationship that helps you both to become a better version of yourself and to continuously elevate to higher levels of consciousness together, without any form of lack, sacrifice or control.

Yet why is this kind of relationship so elusive? And more to the point, why do you keep attracting the same kind of dysfunctional relationship over and over again? 

It has nothing to do with romance, it’s straight-out physics.

It’s all about the patterns that you are running and the frequencies that you are resonating at.  

What you’re resonating at dictates how you will create relationships in this reality.  

As an example, if you’re running an underlying pattern of abuse, then you will attract abusive relationships. Even if your partner doesn’t have any tendencies towards abuse, it’s likely that they will eventually begin to abuse you, as they are responding subconsciously to the frequency that you are sending out. If they don’t abuse you, then your pattern dictates that you can’t stay in that relationship; because in your definition of love, love equals abuse, and to feel love you need to be abused. So you will have to cheat on that person or break up with them or whatever and enter into an abusive relationship which accommodates your pattern. And if you’re not in a relationship, you will find ways to abuse yourself on some level.

Just to be clear, I’m not blaming you, it’s simply a pattern that you’re running. So instead of feeling like a victim, ask yourself: “What is it in me that’s allowing me to get abused?” So it’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility to become aware of and release these patterns. 

We can substitute abuse here for being short-changed, getting cheated on, being controlled or controlling, feeling insecure or any other toxic relationship pattern. 

If you keep getting cheated on, for example, you are running a complementary pattern that allows this to happen to you. If you have a pattern of insecurity, you will attract people or situations which make you feel insecure.

No matter how you dress, how beautiful you are, how much money you make, or anything that you do on a physical level; what you get will be a result of what you’re sending out on a frequency level.  

So what are you sending out? What are you really communicating to your current or potential partner? 

Are you starting to understand why you get treated the way you do in relationships?

A lot of you just want someone to love you the way you are. Well, you don’t love yourself the way you are, so how do you expect someone else to love you the way you are? And I'm not saying to ‘just be who you are’ and then don’t change, because pure love would never allow you to destroy or shortchange yourself.

Through practicing Xponential Intelligence (XI), you have the opportunity to clear distorted relationship patterns at the core level, rewire your love frequency and become your best possible self. 

Most people believe that they're incomplete, they’re damaged, insecure, lonely or whatever. And then and then they look for someone to complete them in a relationship. That never works. You have to find that completeness internally, you have to be at a higher level to accommodate a soulmate relationship or even understand what a soulmate is.

Remember, It’s all about Frequency 

Soulmates aren't found, they're created. The way you resonate dictates who you're going to attract. The number one reason why you're not attracting your soulmate is that you're just not at a higher frequency to attract somebody that's complete for you, because you're not complete. 

With XI, you begin to expand into that level of consciousness where you can access pure love, and remember what this feels like. When you feel the connection to your Limitless Self or Higher Presence, you are in complete abundance. In this space, you don’t need anything. You don’t need a relationship because you are loved, and you are that love. You are complete. That’s what everybody is looking for, even if they don’t realize it. When you're running complete patterns, you'll feel more joy and love than you’ve ever experienced- with or without a partner. And as you resonate with that purity, you naturally attract a relationship that will harmonize with you in your completeness and allow you to reach even higher levels of consciousness.

This is how you create a true soulmate relationship.