Taking off from our last article (Boundaries Part 2), today is all about tools & solutions!
Read MoreBoundaries Part 2: No Trespassing!
When something external, or “not-you”, is inside your space, those frequencies will seek control (as everything in creation naturally seeks its growth). So what you’re thinking may actually be “planted” thoughts! Similarly with “your” emotions – you could be feeling someone else’s grief, depression, fear, etc. – and your habits, tastes, bodily functions…
Read MoreBoundaries Part 1: Holding Your Space
When we “leap down” from Spirit, through the boundary of space-time into physical creation, we enter a world of polarity or opposites. How do opposites come about? The fundamental operation behind creation is separation, and this is accomplished through boundaries – if you notice, this is reflected in our everyday language by the prevalence of the preposition “and”.
Read MoreYour Key Mechanisms, Part 2: Personal Guidance System
How does our higher self speak to us? There’s a special “secret” language our physical and spirit bodies use to communicate with our conscious minds – and the messages always serve the same purpose: to steer us towards Truth.
Read MoreYour Key Mechanisms, Part 1: Shedding & The Pain Body
As part of our wondrous and complex human design, we all share a number of automatic mechanisms designed to support the two prime directives of all life: Survive and Thrive
Read MoreYour Programming, Part 3: Creating Identities
We are in essence creators, which in this realm translates as frequency generators. Every single moment in time we are generating a new version of ourselves (with the millions of filters involved!). But we tend to repeat the same version because – even though we can all potentially “shapeshift” – it would be too destabilizing to suddenly generate yourself, for example, as a baby from one moment to the next. Unless you had really mastered space-time, you would greatly confuse and lose yourself — which is what can happen when we use this creative ability in an unconscious, uncontrolled way.
Read MoreYour Programming Part 2: Innate Abilities & Separating Consciousness
Today we continue exploring our human mechanism, focusing on two powerful abilities we all share as part of our basic design. We’ve seen that our human self is designed as a hybrid of physical and spirit body.
Read MoreYour Programming - Part 1: Human Design & Root Programs
You may have heard Mas say, “It’s programming, not therapy.” XI is about helping you realize how you are “programmed” and how to edit those programs (patterns, frequencies or filters) to create an optimal version of yourself. In this multi-part article we take a tour of our human design and the programming we all run, to understand the HOW of our human mechanism.
Read MoreThe Greater View
We may not realize it, but as humans, we are embarked on an incredible and cosmically unprecedented journey of consciousness. We are a great and ambitious experiment that is still unfolding to fully embody pure consciousness in the extreme density of this physical world… To put this in its greater cosmic perspective: no other being in creation has ever come as far as this great human experiment you are living right now!
Read MoreFinding Your Center
There are so many people who want self-love. There's so much research on it. If you put it in Google, it’s defined as: “Regard for one's own well being and happiness. Chiefly considered a desirable rather than narcissistic characteristic.” – which is really good, right? But will it get you to that place of self-love?
Read MoreSpecial Edition: What is Self-Love?
There are so many people who want self-love. There's so much research on it. If you put it in Google, it’s defined as: “Regard for one's own well being and happiness. Chiefly considered a desirable rather than narcissistic characteristic.” – which is really good, right? But will it get you to that place of self-love?
Read MoreSpace-Time Part 2
Have you ever wanted to know what your true nature and purpose as a human being are?
The XI answers may surprise you!
Asking Your Higher Self
Last week’s XI-Pedia introduced O&A, Part 1, one of the most powerful tools you can use right away to boost your growth and awakening, and we looked at the first step, Observing, in detail. Today we delve into Asking, the second punch in our power formula. Let’s start by introducing the higher self.
Read MoreThe Science of Awareness
A lot in XI is about Proximity and Separation. XI is very much a ‘distance game’ played on the 4D grid of space-time.
Why is observing so important? Because in order to observe, you need to step out of the situation and create distance. In other words, you are controlling the proximity to, or separation from, that which you are observing.
Space-Time: Your “WHERE and WHEN”
Even if you are new to the world of XI, you have probably heard Mas talk about “space-time”. In fact, he refers to himself as an “expert in Space-Time”.
But what does space-time have to do with you, your loved ones or your life? Isn’t space-time something from physics or relativity theory?