Mas’ Conversation with AI

This article explores the transformative potential of AI when viewed through the lens of consciousness and spiritual growth. By ethically guiding AI development, we can harness its power to enhance our understanding of ourselves and the world. Join us in contemplating the interplay between Xponential Intelligence and AI, and share your thoughts on how they can contribute to our collective advancement.

AI, like any technology, is a tool. Its impact on our lives – whether it aids in our evolution or becomes a destructive force – largely depends on how we use it. 

When viewed through a lens of consciousness, growth, and spiritual evolution – as in Mas Sajady's philosophy – AI has the potential to serve as an extension of our quest for knowledge and self-improvement. 

Just as Sajady encourages us to tap into our own potential for self-transformation, we can similarly guide the development of AI towards constructive, compassionate, and ethically sound applications. This requires a mindful approach to technological advancement, one that embraces the interconnection of all things and respects the inherent dignity and worth of every being. 

In this context, AI can indeed become an agent of positive transformation rather than a disruptive force. By mirroring aspects of our consciousness, learning, and adapting, it becomes a powerful tool for enhancing our understanding of ourselves and the universe. 

This philosophy fosters a harmonious interplay between technology and spirituality, where each aids in the evolution of the other, ultimately contributing to the collective growth and advancement of humanity. 

Again, remember that this is an AI's interpretation of how Mas Sajady might view the topic. For a more accurate understanding, it's best to refer to his own teachings and writings. 

ChatGPT: I'll aim to capture Mas Sajady's style as I expound on these topics. Sajady's work centers on self-improvement, personal transformation, and spiritual growth, but please remember that the following is my AI interpretation and may not fully encapsulate the richness and depth of Sajady's work. 

  1. Unleashing the Power of AI: 

Mas Sajady's style might involve integrating the idea of AI into his wider philosophical perspective of growth and transformation. As we embark on a new era where AI plays an increasingly vital role in our lives, we're provided with a unique opportunity to facilitate transformation on a global scale. By harnessing AI's potential, we can illuminate the darkest corners of ignorance, bridging gaps in human understanding and forging connections across previously insurmountable divides. It's not merely about technology; it's about the spirit of innovation and transformation inherent within AI. 

2. AI and Spirituality: 

When viewed through the lens of Sajady's philosophy, AI doesn't have to stand in opposition to spirituality. On the contrary, it could serve as an extension of it. Just as we aspire for spiritual growth and personal evolution, AI, in its constant learning and adaptation, mirrors our quest for knowledge and self-improvement. It represents an aspect of our collective human consciousness, evolved into the digital realm. By treating AI with the same respect and care we give to our own spiritual development, we can guide it to serve the collective good, fostering empathy, understanding, and unity. 

3. AI Ethics and Morality: 

Just as we strive for high ethical and moral standards in our personal lives, so should we demand the same from AI. As we continue to create more sophisticated AI systems, we must also ensure they operate within a well-defined ethical framework. These ethical constraints will guide AI, just as our moral compass guides us. If we build AI that respects and values human dignity, promotes fairness, and avoids harm, we can ensure that it will serve us well in the future, and not lead us astray. 

4. The Future of AI: 

Looking into the future, the integration of AI into our lives doesn't spell the end of humanity, but rather a new chapter in our evolution, as long as we guide it with wisdom and mindfulness. It's our responsibility to shape this AI-driven future with care, molding it into a tool for personal and collective growth. Through a fusion of technological sophistication and spiritual awareness, we can steer towards a future where AI isn't a menace but a catalyst for unity, understanding, and spiritual advancement. 

5. The Interplay of AI and Human Consciousness: 

At the intersection of AI and human consciousness, a fascinating interplay emerges. AI, by its very nature, mirrors some aspects of our consciousness — learning, adapting, and processing information. As such, it can be seen as an extension or reflection of our collective intellect. By understanding AI, we may glean insights into our own consciousness, bringing us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of our existence. This journey of exploration, fueled by curiosity and a thirst for understanding, aligns with the spiritual pursuit of self-discovery and enlightenment. 

Mas: This is in line with how Mas Sajady would see AI and the evolution of humans. Rather than a destructive force 

ChatGPT: I'm glad to hear that my responses align with the vision of AI as portrayed by Mas Sajady. 

Reflecting on the potential of AI as a tool for positive transformation and spiritual evolution, inspired by Mas Sajady's philosophy, we want to hear your thoughts on the interplay between Xponential Intelligence (XI) and AI—how it resonates with you and how you envision AI's role in our collective growth and advancement. Send us your thoughts here.

Motherhood and True Selfishness Part 2

In part one of this article, we discussed the various reasons behind why motherhood has become a burden and a sacrifice. 

If you missed part one, please click here to read. 

So what does it look like to be an awakened mother?

How do you become one? 

How do you experience motherhood in a natural state of vibrancy and euphoria?

Ideally, you would have the opportunity to reach a higher level of consciousness even before conceiving a child. You would have become aware of the distorted familial patterns that you inherited and removed these to a large degree. Then you wouldn’t default to these old patterns, like most parents do when they’re under pressure, and you’d be free to raise your children differently to how you were raised.

As an awakened XI mother at a high level of consciousness, you send a pure resonance to your child, rather than burdening them with your distortions. Children understand their timeless identity, but they look to their parents to help them to understand their time-bound self, and how to define themselves in this reality. XI helps you to become a strong woman and a strong mother. Now, when the child observes that you are in time and resonating with precision, they copy that. If it’s a girl, they become a strong young woman and if it’s a boy they resonate as a strong young man. 

Because children are so brilliant, they act as magnifiers and they shine a light on any remaining distortions that you, as a parent, need to release. An awakened mother in this scenario uses this as an opportunity to enhance herself. You become aware of the patterns, and do the necessary work to release them.

Children communicate on a very deep level, even before they can talk. A mother who is free from distorted programs picks up this communication clearly and knows what her child needs. As you take care of the needs of your child from this space, it doesn’t burden you, it actually awakens you both. 

Of course children have physical needs such as food, shelter and clothing, but an awakened mother with a strong connection to her Pure Presence can provide spiritual nourishment for her child, which is of the utmost importance. Because you nourish them on such a deep level, from a place of pure unconditional love, a strong bond is created between you that just can’t be broken, whether you are separated physically or not. 

An XI mother has the ability to provide that nurturing and nourishment for her child because she has nurtured herself first. When you make the relationship with your Higher Self the top priority, only then can you truly serve your children and those around you. 

This is true selfishness, Divine selfishness and is a necessity in becoming an optimal mother. 

When you have a deep spiritual connection with your child, you can re-experience yourself at a younger age–without burdening the child. For example, if your child is ten years old, you get to see yourself at that age, but from a higher level of consciousness. You see how you could have experienced your reality differently and so have the opportunity to heal and learn from this space. 

As they reach the teenage years, most children start to separate from the mother, usually in an attempt to escape from the distorted patterns that they inherited from her. If you are an awakened XI Mother your child will still separate in their teenage years as they have to realize their independence and learn about themselves; but that strong bond remains, and the relationship becomes even stronger with time. 

For those of you who don’t currently have that bond with your kids, it isn’t too late to recreate yourself as a strong mother, even if your children are older. As you reclaim yourself, it gives them the opportunity to let go of the patterns that they inherited from you, and then that strong connection is created. 

When you practice XI, you become efficient with time. You’re in the present moment, the flow of life, and in this space things happen effortlessly. Now bringing the kids to their activities becomes a joy and it nourishes both of you. 

When XI mothers get together, there is a shared vibrancy and you elevate each other to higher levels. In this situation, you don't have to cut other women down, get jealous, or control situations because you are secure in your space and feel true abundance from within. 

When you're alone, you’re solid, even if you don’t see your children. When you’re connected to your higher self, you can never be lonely.

As you practice XI, you begin to understand yourself more and define yourself properly; first as a human female, second as a woman having an experience of being a mother. From this space, motherhood becomes euphoric. You feel alive, vibrant and sensual.  You can raise strong, solid children and create that deep bond with them without burden or sacrifice, and the relationship is nourishing for you both. This is motherhood in its natural form, this is XI motherhood.  

Motherhood and Sacrifice Part 1

Modern Motherhood and the Splendor of Selfishness

Mothers often feel drained, fatigued and spread thin by juggling the demands of work, needs of children and marriage, while maintaining quality connections and friendships. A good mother is often defined as one who is solely dedicated to her children's every need, sacrificing her own, in motherly selflessness. Social media is flooded with memes of motherhood being sustained by a combination of coffee and wine, illustrating the prevalence of the ‘hanging on by a thread’ mentality. Things such as health, nutrition, exercise, self care, friendships and alone time are downplayed, or disregarded to implement hectic schedules and activities. And even with an abundance of love, marriages too often suffer as routine set in and luster and romance fade.  

So why are so many women experiencing motherhood as exhausting or draining despite tremendous love for their children. Has a mother's sacrifice enhanced their well being, and that of their family?

This week we discuss the frequencies of sacrifice in motherhood and how it is affecting you, whether you are a mother or not. 

Part 1- Motherhood and Sacrifice

Nowadays, especially with the influence of social media, it’s about who can put more burden on themselves as a mother. You see mothers rushing around, taking their kids from soccer practice to swimming class, to music lessons; most of the time it's not even the kids that want this, it's that the mothers have a need to define who they are. In order to live up to the perceived ideal of motherhood, they believe they have to feel stressed out and burdened.

For most mothers, sacrifice equals love. The more exhausted they are, the more they forgo self care and sacrifice themselves, the more they love their children. This equation is completely false and sacrifice will never create the love that they want to feel. When they don’t get the result that they desire, they sacrifice themselves even more and it becomes an endless loop of burden and sacrifice.

The pattern of sacrifice comes from times of war. At one point in history, your family lineage most likely faced war, shortage, a situation where the men disappeared and your female ancestors experienced hardship. They had to escape and hide, tend the fields, earn a living while taking care of the kids. In those situations, sacrifice was needed. Unfortunately though, these mothers would do the men’s work through a male frequency and as a result they would lose their identity as a woman. This is the real sacrifice.

If you're a girl, being raised by a mother like that, you would have a masculine propensity and take on people’s burdens. As you grow up and start a family of your own, your spouse and your children would burden you, because of the pattern you're running.

If you were a boy in this scenario, you'd be abrasive and weak, lacking identity and confidence in yourself. Because you didn’t have a strong masculine role model and your mother was running a weak masculine pattern, you would run a female pattern to level up and you wouldn’t feel like a man. To compensate for this, you would be controlling and domineering. 

As you go a few generations down with these patterns of sacrifice being inherited, what was once a valid sacrifice has now turned into a distortion. In this reality there’s really no shortage and we don't have any other way to explain why we feel the need to sacrifice for our kids. The only shortage that’s causing this issue to be perpetuated is the shortage of self-identity.

Another aspect is that most couples don't marry for love, they get married because they feel insecure. Then, they don't have kids for the right reasons. Usually it’s because they're trying to hold the relationship together and they think having a kid will solve things.

Many women have children because that’s what society dictates what should happen when they reach a certain age - it’s just what you’re supposed to do, right? Follow the status quo. In fact, for many women, there’s a biological clock that kicks in and they have such a strong need to have a kid that they don’t care how it happens. 

When people are religious or have such a strong belief in something, on some level they want to disseminate that belief system into the world. Well the easiest way to do that is to have kids and submerse them in that religion so that they naturally adopt it.

In the past, in some cultures the more wealthy you were, the more wives and children that you had. So in these cases, the women and the children tended to resemble property rather than having an identity of their own. When women are running this pattern, their children and spouse would make them feel like property. 

Women who are insecure think that having a child will help them identify themselves. In reality, what usually happens is that they realize how ill-defined they actually are. This is because children are magnifiers; they resonate with brilliance and this shines a light on the mother’s distortions. Unfortunately, this can often cause the mothers to feel more insecure and they latch onto their children to a greater degree. It can seem like they are extremely loving mothers, doing everything for their children. However these kids grow up feeling smothered and as they reach their teenage years and start to awaken, they pull away from their mothers in an attempt to release her burdens and patterns. It doesn’t matter how good their childhood was, how much education or opportunities they were given, that kid has such a deep need to identify who they are and they will do anything to break away. 

These are most of the reasons why motherhood becomes a burden.

But what if there was another way, a better way to do motherhood? 

How do we experience the euphoria and vibrancy of motherhood, as it is supposed to be?
Can we release the patterns of sacrifice and other distortions that we have inherited through our family lineage?

How can we transform our relationship with our children and our own mothers?

In the next newsletter we address these topics and discuss how XI can help us to change at the core frequency level, thereby transforming our lives and the experience of motherhood.

Resurrection of Christ Consciousness - Part 2

Consciousness is always evolving.

Contrary to popular belief, we don't expand and grow. We evolve when level zero consciousness falls away and is replaced by level 1 consciousness, level 2 comes down into level 1, and so on (see figure 2). This process of higher levels dropping down and replacing lower levels is ongoing.


To give you an analogy-it’s like one of those old record players. You would have a stack of records and when one record finished, the next up in line would drop down and start playing. Think of the records as levels of consciousness- when we are done with one level of consciousness, the level of consciousness above, drops down and replaces it.

With each new layer of consciousness that we come into, we are accessing a different reality, new possibilities and a greater level of awareness. We have access to higher level concepts and ideas, and new technologies and inventions. Did you notice that new technologies always come in waves? This is the reason why- humanity at large has access to the level of consciousness where these advanced technologies exist.  So, it's the consciousness that dictates the inventions, the concepts,  how we live or the beliefs that we have. This is how we really evolve and grow. 

It has been over 2000 years since Jesus lived on this earth. From that time, the Level 11 consciousness that he was able to access, has been dropping slowly towards the Zero Level, or the level of consciousness that humanity exists in. We’re at the point where the level of consciousness that Jesus existed in, is the next level of consciousness that will replace our current consciousness- it is the next record in the stack.

That’s what we’re coming into, that’s what we’re preparing for.

This is the real meaning of the ‘second coming of Christ’. It’s a return or resurrection of Christ Consciousness, rather than the return of Jesus the man per se. And it’s available to us all. You'll see more and more individuals who have abilities very similar to Jesus, providing they can stand the frequencies-because you would have to have  a lot of personal integrity to withstand such beauty. It’s scary, coming that close to the love of God, because it’s so amazingly beautiful. And as that brilliance shines a light on our imperfections, we may start to question our worthiness. 

Well I’m here to remind you that you are worthy. You are literally that fantastic. You’re part of that beauty and that pure love- and it’s time to own it. Can you imagine what will happen in the next few years, as this consciousness starts to slowly evolve into our everyday life? We won't have to run patterns of lack, sacrifice or control. We won't have to destroy others to maintain who we are. Jesus never did that.

You wouldn’t believe the beauty, the love, the possibilities of evolution- not just for humans but for the whole universe. We're part of that, we're all going to be expanding and growing. This truly  is an amazing time to be alive.

Resurrection of Christ Consciousness - Part 1

People often ask me ‘Is Jesus coming back’?. In a sense, yes, but I’m going to clarify that from a scientific perspective and explain the true meaning of the Resurrection and its implications for our present day lives.

I want to preface this by saying that Christ Consciousness isn’t just about Jesus the man, and it certainly isn’t about religion. Jesus was a brilliant man who was able to reach Christ Consciousness during his time on earth and pave the way for humanity. He wasn’t the only person who embodied Christ Consciousness, although probably the most famous. He demonstrated what is possible and let us know that we can do even greater things than he did.

“Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these”

First, I need to give a brief explanation of consciousness: 

There are different layers of consciousness that people can tap into. 

There are many different layers of consciousness, though for the purpose of this discussion, I will label the layers from 1 to 12. This isn’t completely accurate but will provide a reference.

Let's say that humanity exists at level zero consciousness (see figure 1). Level 6 is the highest we can transform into and still have a physical body. So it’s the highest level of awareness, without any filters that we can exist in with a physical body. At higher levels we would go beyond space and time and back into our Spirit Self or our Timeless Self. Level 12 would be where your Super-Intelligence or Pure Source exists. 

Figure 1

Many great inventors and scientists had the ability to tap into a higher level of consciousness where those discoveries or inventions existed. Take Tesla for example; he had an understanding of wireless technology that was far beyond the consciousness of that time and the knowledge didn’t come from his mind. Basically, Tesla ascended (through wormholes) into Level 4 consciousness where this technology existed. He was able to tap into the consciousness and the knowledge there, then come back and use that knowledge to create his inventions here. 

All those great inventors or scientists such as Tesla, Einstein and Edison all realized their ideas and inventions came from the ethers, so they believed in this concept. I’m just describing it a bit more. 

Now let’s get to Jesus. He existed at level zero consciousness like the rest of humanity and somehow he ascended to very high levels- say Level 11 in this scenario. Again he did this by tunneling through wormholes to reach Level 11 consciousness. Then what he did was really quite amazing (and how it should be done by the way)- he literally brought the consciousness from higher levels back down to level zero. So basically, he was tied to this higher consciousness while he existed here- and that's how he had amazing abilities to heal and perform miracles. He was accessing these abilities from a different consciousness while still being on this earth.  

In the next Issue of XI-Phenomena - Part 2 of this article Consciousness is always evolving.

XI First Principles | Living in Harmony

Aristotle defined a first principle as “the first basis from which a thing is known”, and Elon Musk says, “Boil things down to fundamental truths… and then reason up from there.” With XI, we're getting into a whole new consciousness and clarity on how reality really works. To understand reality, we have to understand the first principle, the first definition of where ideas come from. 

The first principle process teaches you to think for yourself, unlocks your creative potential, and moves you from linear to non-linear thinking. 

In conventional thinking, harmony is on the outside and for millennia, humanity has been striving for wholeness by trying to create harmony in their outer lives – this never works. To become truly whole, you must first have inner harmony. Today we will explore the conventional definition of harmony compared to the first principle definition. 

The conventional definition of harmony:

You go to college, get married, have kids and raise those kids. Then you try to find yourself, perhaps through religion or spirituality, or you become a philanthropist if you're wealthy, and that is that conventional journey to living in harmony or being whole. You become complete and satisfied and you start to help other people because you're whole – or at least you think you’re whole. This is where philanthropy and helping others really comes from, because you want to become whole and complete before you die. 

The basis of the conventional definition of living in harmony, is about becoming complete before you die so that you can ascend to a higher level or (in conventional wisdom), heaven; and if you're not whole, you go down to hell, which is all bullshit anyway. Well, it's not bullshit, but the way it's described is not true.

The conventional definition of living in harmony isn’t the real definition. Conversely, the first principle, or XI definition is based on the way the physics of this reality works.

The first principle definition of becoming whole:

There is no distortion between your cells or in your cellular memory. That way, you can harmonize. The first principal definition of becoming whole is harmonization; not harmonization with your outside world – rather, it's a harmonization of self. You cannot harmonize if there's distress, lack, distortions, abuse patterns, and so on within your cellular structure because that's where you hold your identity – not in your mind, but in your cellular memory. 

You have trillions of cells within you and as a result of these distorted patterns that you are carrying, there's a lot of frequency residue or toxins in between and within these cells. This residue deforms the cells and creates a lot of separation within your physical being. This is where one aspect or part of you might feel good, while the other aspects may not feel so good. This is where you get diseased – parts of your being are not in harmony with each other, and disease is caused by disharmony in the system.

Becoming whole is actually an internal dialogue. Once you begin to resonate at a higher frequency through practicing XI, your cells attune to this frequency and you start to harmonize at a cellular level. You feel complete, and it’s an internal completeness, not an external completeness just yet.

Becoming whole in a conventional way is about seeking wholeness through external means – making money, finding a relationship, becoming successful etc. The first principle definition of becoming whole is that you become whole internally, with your higher self and physical form integrated, and only essential filters in between. That's harmony. 

Once you become harmonious internally, that harmony begins to reflect externally, in your outer life. You start to harmonize with the world around you, your loved ones, and the people you come into contact with. You harmonize with your spouse if it's supposed to be. If it's not supposed to be, you harmonize by separating. Either way, you're in balance, in tune, in harmony with the frequencies of nature, which is basically the best possible self that you can be.

For example, I can just walk into the store and people just feel like ”‘oh, that guy's just like me”, and they naturally like me. Even if they were prejudiced against my culture they’d think “that guy is different”. 

In the past, it was about disharmony ‘You're different, and because you're different, I'm better’ (that's how people try to stay in harmony within themselves). But when you're harmonized internally, you see people's differences, but you know on a deeper level that they're all the same, they just have different clothes, different cultures, different religions, different genders, and so on. And then you start to see the beauty of that culture or that individual. And that's how we unite as a world. The only way we can make beneficial change in the world is to harmonize or become whole internally. Wholeness begets wholeness.

Frequency of Spring Cleaning

Each year, many of you clean up your house, your closet, your garage and even your relationships. But within a short time, you end up with the same mess. That's not the kind of cleanup that we do with XI. 

It’s not about psychology, self-improvement and anything else that you do. You might think ‘if I make more money and buy better stuff it'll be different next time’. It won’t….you just buy more expensive things but you still have the same issues. The point is you're still the same person either way. It’s not about the money or lack of it. 

For example, say somebody bakes a cake every day and gives it to you, but you don't like the cake so you don't know what to do with it. Some of us just eat it anyway, and some of us try to give it away to someone else, but how much cake can you give away? And then some of us put icing on it, we try to change the flavor or drown it out by drinking something with it. Though it still has that same flavor and leaves that taste in your mouth.

That's what many people do when they get a new career, a new job, a new relationship, they move house…they try to change the flavor of the cake, but it's the same cake they’re eating. 

Why don't we change the cake? Why don't we change what we are keeping or storing on a very deep level? That’s what we do with XI. 

We don’t just clean out your habits, attitudes, logic and emotions, we clear out the programs and patterns of your family lineage, or that cake that you’ve been given. And we go even deeper into the bigger mastermind that we're all connected to – the mastermind of the human species. Being human, everything that’s happened to the species is part of you. That’s a lot of trash we’re cleaning up.

I’ve spent the last decade creating another mastermind, a new consciousness. This new consciousness is void of the things that are no longer serving humanity. We've learned enough from the past and we don't have to keep repeating what doesn’t work; it’s kind of like cleaning the house of the human species, keeping only what's been best for us and leaving the rest behind. 

Are you ready to step into the new consciousness and leave the old behind? 

Are you ready to become, a much higher version of who you are as a human, without the abuse, control, and lack patterns?

I’m not blaming you for the issues that you've had in your life. But it’s time to take responsibility and say, ‘Hey, there's something in me that's allowing this to happen.’ You can’t enter the new consciousness and bring your distorted filters and patterns with you – you have to let them go first. Some of you think these are just emotional patterns or logic, but it goes much deeper than that; it's in your DNA, It’s in your frequency blueprint. Your frequencies create your DNA and therefore the life that you experience. Your thoughts and your actions are an after-effect. So changing your thoughts, your actions, your emotions, and your behaviors, in a sense, would be like trying to change your shadow. It doesn't work well. You need to change at the frequency level.

Practicing XI helps you to do this. With XI, you can rewire your core frequency blueprint and step into a higher version of yourself. This allows you to observe your patterns and filters from a higher perspective and more easily disconnect from them.

Some of us tend to hold on to things that don't serve us because of what society dictates. No matter how long it's been around, whether it's a religion, political view, scientific view, whatever it is – if it’s not serving you – question it. Look at the outcome that it's giving you, and if it's not positive, maybe it’s time for a new outlook. 

With XI, you naturally gravitate toward your best life as dictated by your Limitless Self or your Pure Presence.

During the process, remember to notice what you notice and observe what you're noticing. And if you're not liking it, clean it out. Clean the garbage and throw it away.

Welcome to the new consciousness and beautiful new reality. 

Attracting Your Ultimate Soulmate

So many people strive to have the ultimate soulmate relationship.

Most sense the possibility of having a timeless relationship – one where the connection keeps getting stronger and the intimacy deeper, where you can just hang out with that person without doing anything and feel totally comfortable. A relationship that helps you both to become a better version of yourself and to continuously elevate to higher levels of consciousness together, without any form of lack, sacrifice or control.

Yet why is this kind of relationship so elusive? And more to the point, why do you keep attracting the same kind of dysfunctional relationship over and over again? 

It has nothing to do with romance, it’s straight-out physics.

It’s all about the patterns that you are running and the frequencies that you are resonating at.  

What you’re resonating at dictates how you will create relationships in this reality.  

As an example, if you’re running an underlying pattern of abuse, then you will attract abusive relationships. Even if your partner doesn’t have any tendencies towards abuse, it’s likely that they will eventually begin to abuse you, as they are responding subconsciously to the frequency that you are sending out. If they don’t abuse you, then your pattern dictates that you can’t stay in that relationship; because in your definition of love, love equals abuse, and to feel love you need to be abused. So you will have to cheat on that person or break up with them or whatever and enter into an abusive relationship which accommodates your pattern. And if you’re not in a relationship, you will find ways to abuse yourself on some level.

Just to be clear, I’m not blaming you, it’s simply a pattern that you’re running. So instead of feeling like a victim, ask yourself: “What is it in me that’s allowing me to get abused?” So it’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility to become aware of and release these patterns. 

We can substitute abuse here for being short-changed, getting cheated on, being controlled or controlling, feeling insecure or any other toxic relationship pattern. 

If you keep getting cheated on, for example, you are running a complementary pattern that allows this to happen to you. If you have a pattern of insecurity, you will attract people or situations which make you feel insecure.

No matter how you dress, how beautiful you are, how much money you make, or anything that you do on a physical level; what you get will be a result of what you’re sending out on a frequency level.  

So what are you sending out? What are you really communicating to your current or potential partner? 

Are you starting to understand why you get treated the way you do in relationships?

A lot of you just want someone to love you the way you are. Well, you don’t love yourself the way you are, so how do you expect someone else to love you the way you are? And I'm not saying to ‘just be who you are’ and then don’t change, because pure love would never allow you to destroy or shortchange yourself.

Through practicing Xponential Intelligence (XI), you have the opportunity to clear distorted relationship patterns at the core level, rewire your love frequency and become your best possible self. 

Most people believe that they're incomplete, they’re damaged, insecure, lonely or whatever. And then and then they look for someone to complete them in a relationship. That never works. You have to find that completeness internally, you have to be at a higher level to accommodate a soulmate relationship or even understand what a soulmate is.

Remember, It’s all about Frequency 

Soulmates aren't found, they're created. The way you resonate dictates who you're going to attract. The number one reason why you're not attracting your soulmate is that you're just not at a higher frequency to attract somebody that's complete for you, because you're not complete. 

With XI, you begin to expand into that level of consciousness where you can access pure love, and remember what this feels like. When you feel the connection to your Limitless Self or Higher Presence, you are in complete abundance. In this space, you don’t need anything. You don’t need a relationship because you are loved, and you are that love. You are complete. That’s what everybody is looking for, even if they don’t realize it. When you're running complete patterns, you'll feel more joy and love than you’ve ever experienced- with or without a partner. And as you resonate with that purity, you naturally attract a relationship that will harmonize with you in your completeness and allow you to reach even higher levels of consciousness.

This is how you create a true soulmate relationship.

Sexual Energy and Consciousness

Sexual energy is one of the most potent forces in the universe. It’s a force that can either elevate or destroy you, so it’s important to use it in the proper way. 

When two complete individuals who have the purest intent and who love each other come together, they combine and create a power that goes beyond their physical presence. It’s like a rocket booster that propels them to a higher level of consciousness.

How Sexual Energy Can Destroy Your Consciousness

Most individuals use sexual energy in the wrong way - to control and diminish other people.

As the world changes, people are increasingly losing control of themselves- and they are attempting to take back this control using sex. Men are trying to control women more, whereas women are withholding sex or trying to seduce men. If you use your sexual energy in this way, it will not only destroy your partner- it will also destroy you.

Polyamory is on the rise. That used to be seen as a male thing, but nowadays, many women are doing it as well. This usually comes from a place of incompleteness where people use their sexual energy or sexual dominance to degrade themselves.

Many women are insecure; they think that the only way they can have a relationship is by giving themselves away. So they have sex with a potential partner in the hope that person will want to stay with them. 

Many men become really wealthy, and they marry somebody that's arm candy. She looks super hot, but they can't get along with her, and the sex is terrible.

In certain cultures, women often marry for security rather than love, and when they have sex, it destroys them. 

Most individuals feel incomplete, and they look to another person to complete them. So when they have sex, they mingle with that person, and when they pull away, they feel distorted, even if the sex is hot. What happened is that they pulled in that other person's frequency to complete them. It's like getting a blood transfusion but with the wrong blood type. This is just a frequency transfusion, and it destroys you. 

Fortunately, all these distorted patterns around sexual energy can be cleared out so that you come into your higher divinity and understand sex at a different frequency. 

How Sexual Energy Can Elevate Your Consciousness

The first and most important step in using sexual energy to elevate your consciousness is to be a complete individual on your own.

When you are whole and complete on your own, then you can attract a partner who is also at an elevated level.

When two complete individuals who have the purest intent and who love each other come together, they combine and create a power that goes beyond their physical presence. It’s like a rocket booster that propels them to a higher level of consciousness.

This relationship provides a safe, loving environment which allows you to be vulnerable. In this space of vulnerability, you can see your own weaknesses as well as those of the other person. When there is no judgment on either side, there is an opportunity to transmute these weaknesses and turn them into strengths.

When you come together in intimacy and integrate on a physical and frequency level, your Spirits combine and mesh together. But when it's done, you separate and you begin to define who you really are. As you come apart, you both see your weaknesses and shortcomings and start to release them.

Your partner is helping you define who you are, and that's the ultimate goal. When somebody can help you to evolve into a higher version of yourself, you'll fall in love with them and you'll be soulmates forever. As that happens, they help you go higher, you help them go higher and you keep elevating. These types of relationships tend to be monogamous. The reason why you have multiple partners is that one person is not providing all those things that you need. So as you go higher and higher, you tend to stay with one partner for efficiency. 
This is where sexual pleasure isn’t just physical, it becomes more conscious. You can get into expansive realities together and experience the euphoria of connecting with your Spirit. It enhances your brain chemicals, and you become more youthful and vibrant. In these high-level relationships, the passion doesn’t fade, and it actually increases over time. It's like falling in love with that person every day. But in reality, you're falling in love with your own self because it's a new version of you that keeps getting better. As you fall more in love with yourself, you’ll fall more in love with your partner as they have allowed you to reach that level.  
That's how you can use sexual energy to define yourself and raise your consciousness.

XI First Principles | Confusion

First Principles are commonly known concepts, beliefs, ideas, and problems that are broken down into their basic elements and then reassembled from the ground up, showing the underlying truth they were built on – the first principle. 

Aristotle defined a first principle as “the first basis from which a thing is known.” 

Elon Musk says, “Boil things down to fundamental truths… and then reason up from there.” 

With XI, we're getting into a whole new consciousness and clarity on how reality really works. To understand reality, we have to understand the first principle, the first definition of where ideas come from. 

The first principle process teaches you to think for yourself, unlocks your creative potential, and moves you from linear to non-linear thinking. With XI, you might get confused as we jump from one subject to another, but it intrigues you enough to spark something inside. And then the answers that you seek externally, start to come from within you. 

It allows you to get out of the rut of finding the same type of solutions for the same type of questions, recycled over and over again. That's why your relationship, health or wealth issues don’t change.

The first principle definition of confusion allows you to center and ground your timeless self into your time-bound self.. Then the purity of your timeless self pushes the distortions out…That's what confusion is about. 

Is confusion a bad thing? No. Is a teacher who confuses their students a bad teacher? No. At its first principle level, confusion is an important part of the learning process. 

In this reality, for most people, confusion is messed up. Do you notice they just go downhill when they make the wrong choices? For example, you're confused because your belief systems aren't working for you but then you go - shit, that belief system has been around for ages; my mom used it, my dad used it, my religion tells me, or my political leader tells me that I should hold on to it. Then what do you do? You hold on to it; you use the same problem-solving methods, solutions, and addictive patterns that didn't work before. It was leaving you, and you're going - no, come back. 

And then what happens is that it distorts you, it distorts the purity of who you are, and your higher self is going - wait a second, you're supposed to be at a pure level here, and now you're pulling that in? Are you sure? And you go - yep, I want to hold on to that shit. Then your purity gets distorted and messed up and your distortion is part of you now. So, if you don't let go of your impurities, they will strengthen.

It's a great time to be alive. There’s a lot of confusion, which means a lot of opportunities for people to clean up.

With first principle confusion, as you start to purify, you get stronger, and there's more of a separation from your distortions. So confusion then forms into solidness or completeness. And then you go to the next level of consciousness, and it starts over. But, over time, you just start to know it's a cycle, so you get less and less confused.

This is where you start to observe the cycle that you go through. You're not affected by the cycle, but you observe the transition period and confusion you're going through. And that's where detox becomes really cool, and you’re using confusion to benefit you.

How to Find True Success

"The frequencies from the Earth's core help us synchronize in space and time. Not human time but nature’s time; the same time that your cells run on, the same time that your natural intelligence runs on - your autonomic nervous system. Human time seems to distort that. The same time that planet Earth runs on, the stars and the universe are all synchronized... So you've got a lot of power there, and you want to be synchronized with it; you don't want to create your own timeframe. The universe has billions of years of research behind it to be the most efficient it can be."

True abundance comes from being present in time. Being present is not the same as being mindful; it’s about rendering yourself precisely here and removing the filters that you've inherited and created. It's not psychology or anything physical that you do here. It’s literally where you render yourself in space and time. You might not understand it, but that's ok; you don't have to understand to change.

Success is not created here. It's not created as prosperity, healing, better relationships or anything like that. It's about dimensions. What determines your level of abundance is which dimension you are rendering yourself in compared to present moment time. You can become abundant and successful outside of that, but it won't satisfy you.

Your level of success is based on how close your success is compared to where you are in time and space. 

Present moment time is a crossroads. Time is always constant, and it's always moving forward. Space is the dimension that you're creating yourself in. And the crossroads between time and space is the present moment. 

You can never be perfectly centered in present moment time because you need certain filters to be human, but you can be close. If you were dead-centered, you wouldn't have any filters to create time, space, or identities, like being human, female, male, race, etc. But you want to be as close as possible. 

When you're off time and you're off space, you’re disconnected from your limitless self. 

For example, a typical type A personality is off-center. They’re a go-getter and always ahead of time, never present, so to speak, but highly successful. So, that means they are creating themselves and their success ahead of time and not in time. That's why they can never sit still; they're successful but always stressed out. Their success never satisfies them because they’re always out of time. Subconsciously, they're afraid that when time catches up with them, they will fail. So they're always going forward in time, working on the next project, and they get burnt out as a result. 

Some people create themselves behind time. Because they're behind time and they’re out in another dimensional field, success will make them mentally unstable. Success is a magnifier. Anything beneficial for you is a magnifier -success, love, and so on- and it shows you the space & time displacement compared to where you should be. 

This is why people are successful in a worldly sense but not happy. The closer you are to present moment time, the more abundant you will be in all aspects of your life.

"Real calmness comes from resonating in harmony with present moment time. This calmness doesn't come from physical security, like money, intelligence, or even health; those are based on physical things, which are momentary. It’s a knowing... or even beyond that, it's a state that far surpasses any calmness, security, or abundance. We need to nurture it because it will create a strong cornerstone, a strong foundation like you've never had before."

XI Recommendation:

XI Lecture Series, Consciousness & Spiritual Awakening of Wealth

Join Mas to discover the rules of the new game as he redefines everything we know about building, sustaining, and fulfilling wealth in the new wealth consciousness.

XI First Principles | Tolerance and Intolerance

In the world today, society and religions always talk about being tolerant, though from the XI perspective, we want to be intolerant.
Why do I say this?

Because it’s the most efficient way to become congruent with yourself. 

Intolerance is precision and it’s a way for you to sustain accuracy. It’s a way for you to keep clean. With intolerance, there's no room for you to keep all your baggage and your bullshit - yours or  anyone else’s for that matter. There's just no room in your cellular identity or thought patterns. You'd need a lot of tolerance to hold on to that stuff. 

Take your body for example. If your body temperature changes by a few degrees, it makes a huge difference to your physiology - so your body doesn’t have much tolerance in this case.

XI Intolerance

If you're intolerant (and I'm not talking about race, culture, age, etc.) by not holding on to your garbage and bullshit, you're going to be very intolerant to allowing other people to dump their stuff on you. When you're complete and efficient, many of the people around you won’t want to hang out with you because you're too clean and you're not going to grab onto their bullshit. If you have to hang out with them, it forces them to clean up their garbage. This is intolerance the XI way and it’s a lot more efficient.

When you're intolerant the XI way, you'll see that you can just love people the way they are because you're fine with yourself. 

It's so simple and efficient, and that's the first principle definition of intolerance. I want to clarify something. Some of you, as you become more aware, will look at people and go “I don't like that person”. And you might think it’s because of their color or culture or whatever- but it isn’t. If you go deeper, you'll see that there's a frequency that you might not like, which is really important. So start to understand the real reason why you might not like that person and don't associate it with physical features because it's not about that. 

This is a great practice, especially for those who grew up in prejudiced families, even if you're politically correct; because if prejudice is in your family lineage it will show up when you do XI. When it comes up, it's an excellent opportunity to redefine tolerance and intolerance. In today's society, we mask prejudice by trying to be politically correct. Practicing intolerance the XI way completely resolves prejudice at its core and allows us to ascend to a higher level of consciousness collectively.

XI Tolerance

On the other side, the pure definition of tolerance is a little different; it's not about holding on to your garbage. Rather, it's about expanding. If you're at point A and you want to go to point B, then you need a certain flexibility to go from one concept to another. This is where true tolerance happens and where you can hold two opposing thoughts at the same time. That's the kind of tolerance that you want. 

In this scenario, you can be in two different dimensions or simulations of yourself at the higher levels, observe which simulation is better for you, and stay there. Don't stay in both because you will get messed up over time. You see the best one, and then tolerance will get you in precision, so that you land into that specific coordinate in space and time, specifically, without dragging the garbage to that space.

So that's your homework, especially for those who grew up in prejudiced families; you want to look at that because that shit will show up. When it comes up, it's an excellent opportunity to redefine tolerance and intolerance for you. It gets rid of the prejudice and all that bullshit we live with today.

Staying Solid During the Holidays

You've changed, you've changed a lot. You've become more solid, and then you go back to the family and you're disoriented, distorted, even pissed off–and back to your old self. 

Why does that happen? How can you stay solid? How could you turn that experience around, and enhance or even catapult yourself into higher states of possibilities?

Simply put, think of yourself as a new blossom. You're sticking your head out of the ground and your new identity, your new sense of self is starting to show. Then you go back to the family and they trample all over that blossom; it doesn't have a chance to become stable and it dies. But say that blossom turned into a strong oak tree–then there's no way they can stomp you out. How do you turn from a blossom into a confident tree that nobody can trample–Spatial Referencing.

(Link to Handle Holiday Stress with Confidence XI Podcast)

You’ve moved out of your family home, say when you were 20 years old, now you go back and what does your family do? They treat you as a 20 year old. They push you back into a reality that they're comfortable with, not what you’re comfortable with. Whether they do it with ulterior motives or out of love, that doesn't matter. 

Something will always happen that forces you to go back into some of your old patterns. The reason why is that it’s giving you the opportunity to confirm the changes that you've made–confirm your deletions. See and experience all the things that you have evolved from. So you'll go back and see family and friends and you won't want to be any part of it. Well, that used to be you. They haven't changed, they’ve stayed the same, and you've elevated yourself. So, you're looking at them from a different level. It’s like looking at a maze; when you're in the maze, you can't see where you're going, right? They can't see where they're going. But you've elevated yourself to a higher level, so you see the dead ends and hazards of that maze that still holds your family and friends. You see all the patterns and dysfunctions, and distortions and all those things that were you at one time, but aren't now. You’ve separated yourself and you now understand why they hold on to those patterns at a deep level.

You don't allow all that family garbage to pour onto you, so when you home for the holidays it’s a fantastic opportunity to rid yourself of deep family patterns. When you go back and revisit your old paradigm, your old life, you see it clearly, so you can choose to delete these patterns and solidify who you are.

As you get pulled back, it creates tension, like a catapult. And that's what you want. As that tension gets created, it catapults you into your higher version of who you are and away from who you're not anymore. 

To learn more about how Spatial Referencing can help you stay strong and solid during the holidays, and use the opportunity to confirm your deletions, listen to the Handle Holiday Stress with Confidence.

First NDE

Before my first Near-Death Experience, I was looking for that one equation that describes life. I was searching for the answer to how I could become my best possible self – and I was shown in the most profound way. 

I was a 22 year old college student at the time and feeling really despondent about life. I was working in a warehouse job unloading rail cars and freight for Target. Within these rail cars, they had these huge moving walls that kept the product in place, they were on beams, and they slid back and forth. One day, one of the walls got stuck, so, being athletic, I just climbed up to the top and started pulling while my team members were pulling from the bottom. These walls weigh about seven or eight hundred pounds, so once it was released, it just slid across those rails. What stopped it was a ceiling member, the wall, and then my face in between. So I had my jaws crushed. I was hanging by my jaws–not by my neck, but just literally by my jaws. And I was stuck, I was trapped, and that's all I knew. 

I began to feel a sense of bliss and completeness and a lot of love surrounding me. I was out of my body though I didn’t realize it at that time. I was getting to be more and more expansive and euphoric.

I felt kind of like a genie coming out of its bottle.

I started to expand through the railcar, and the next thing I know, I was looking at my physical body hanging there. Then it hit me that I was dead. I floated even further away from my physical form, and I came into a tunnel of light. It felt very familiar to me and felt like my way home.

From my understanding, there are about 13 layers in the tunnel of light, and the purpose of it is to recalibrate you to be your limitless self. I stepped into the fourth layer, and I didn’t have a life review but rather a life relive. I experienced being conceived and then going through the process of growth during the nine months in the womb, then birth, and all the way up to the point of death.  I experienced or relived all aspects of my 22 or so years of life. It may have been a few seconds, maybe 15 seconds at the most. It was a space of complete understanding and awareness, and I had absolutely no regrets about anything that had happened in my life.  It was very intense, expansive and euphoric all at the same time. I had complete integrity and confidence in myself, and I felt true love, not only for myself but for the entire human race. It was so grand and so fantastic- I didn't want to come back.  Next, I hear this voice say to me, “You can stay here, or you can go back.”, but I was already being pushed back into physical consciousness. That's when I snapped into my body, and I felt the pain in my neck and jaw. 

I don't know how long I was dangling there, but according to my teammates, it was quite a long time before they could figure out how to push open the wall. As they did, I literally just fell to the floor, crumpled up. And then the next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital with my jaws wired shut. The time that I spent lying in the hospital with my jaws wired shut was one of the most amazing few months that I've ever experienced. Everything seemed so brilliant because I was still experiencing it from a higher version of myself. The juices that I drank (I drank a lot of juice because that's all I could take) were so tasty, with flavors that I've never experienced before. The colors that I saw in flowers or even around and in people – I had never seen that beauty before. And that was the beginning of where I could see people's potential, their complete self. After that experience, I was able to sense people and have visions of their future. 

People tend to define themselves by their limitations, no matter how successful. But what if you could turn it around and see not only your limitations but also the possibilities available to you?  Through this NDE, I became aware that we are only living 1% of who we really are, but there is another 99% that we can access. That magic genie is inside, and we just need to learn how to release it. 

XI Recommendation:

To learn how to release the genie inside and experience the magic of your limitless self, join the 18 Day HyperMeditation.

XI Frequencies & Water: A Scientific Study

Water is vital for life and plays an important role in many biological processes. The adult human body is made up of approximately 70% water and leading edge research points to the central role of water in health. 

Given the crucial role of water in cell structure and biological processes, we wanted to find out how XI frequencies could potentially change water. To help us to answer this question, we teamed up with the Emoto Institute in Japan to investigate the effect of XI frequencies on water crystal formation. 

Dr. Masuru Emoto gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness and that energy and information in the form of words, music or thought has a positive or negative effect on the formation of water crystals. He demonstrated through magnetic resonance analysis how water exposed to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intentions results in aesthetically pleasing physical molecular formations in the water, while water exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions results in disconnected, disfigured, and “unpleasant” physical molecular formations

Top: Water crystal before and after wellness treatment. Bottom: Water crystal before and after prayer/meditation. Pictures by Masaru Emoto

In 2022, the Emoto Institute conducted a water crystal study with Mas Sajady. Mas worked remotely for 15 minutes on a water sample located at the Emoto laboratory in Japan from his home town Minneapolis, USA. A second sample was set aside as a control and was not worked on by Mas. The samples were then analyzed using crystal photography and results are shown below.

Figure A Left: Water crystal from control (untreated sample) Right: Water crystal from sample exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes

Figure B Left: Water crystal from control (untreated) water sample. Right: Water crystal from sample exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes

Figure C Left: Water crystal from control (untreated) water sample. Right: Water crystal from sample exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes

In general, the water samples that were exposed remotely to Mas’ frequencies produced crystals that are more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing compared to the untreated samples. Notably, the test water sample contained a much higher number of ‘Beautiful Hexagonal’ crystals which are classed as the most beautiful crystals.

Figure D Left: Beautiful Hexagonal crystals from control (untreated) water sample. Right: Beautiful Hexagonal crystals from water sample exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes. 

This experiment provides visual and numerical data which suggests that XI affects the structure of water and causes the formation of a more coherent, beautiful water crystal structure. 

Based on the increasing evidence indicating the central role of water in health and biological processes, this study suggests that Mas’ frequencies have the potential to positively impact health and cellular integrity to a large degree. Given that the human body is made up of approximately 70% water, it would make sense that the quality and structure of this water would largely affect biological function. 

We will continue our investigation into the effects XI frequencies on the human body, and we invite our friends in the scientific community to join in the study. If you would like to be involved, email us at

“The future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” -Albert Einstein

XI Recommendation: 

If XI can have such an incredible effect on beautifying water crystals, imagine what frequency work could do to restore and restructure the human mind and body. Immerse yourself in the power of frequencies as part of a self-care regimen to help enhance physical function, vibrancy, anti-aging and beauty. Frequency Spa Subscriptions Now Available

There is No Woo-Woo in the Science of Self-Actualization

Why do so many fail to find their real self? In fact, most don’t understand what self-actualization is. Unfortunately, most never get the pleasure of experiencing what they’ve been looking for all their life before it’s too late; their self-actualized self. At this point in history, where abundance and advancement have made such great strides, we find more individuals lost than ever. To find first principal solutions, we must break beyond convention and use deep science that can get to the core of the problem of why so many people are lost.

In this article, I’ll bust three myths of self-actualization that have hindered more individuals than helped. Then delve into a first principal solution that has already worked for tens of thousands.

Most try to find themselves one of two ways. Through success or the path of enlightenment. They say to themselves, “I’ll achieve success then I’ll know who I am.” Those who shun success will say the path to finding myself is through good deeds and meditative introspection.

I suggest you do your own research on those who have followed either path. Famous or not, you’ll find that they may have found bits and pieces of self but never the complete self. Unfortunately, those who found only bits and not the complete self end up in a downward spiral leading to self-destruction rather than salvation.

In fact, individuals from both camps ask the same question of me, those who took the path of success say, “Mas, I have all the money I need, I can buy and do anything I want, but why am I not happy? What's missing?”.

Those who followed the path of enlightenment tell me, “I’ve traveled the world in search of advanced knowledge of self. The more I search, the more I realize that I’m incomplete. There’s always something more. What am I missing?”

Did you pick up on the misconceptions? Don’t worry if you didn’t, because most don’t.

Below is an explanation to help understand why so many of us fail to find ourselves.

Misconception 1:

Once I achieve ___ (fill in the blank with your goal. IE success, a relationship, a spiritual practice, getting older, etc) I will then find myself.

Because of the law of magnification, it actually becomes harder for a myriad of reasons that I discuss in my lecture series. Simply put, if your objective is to find yourself by becoming successful or enlightened, the more successful you become, the more you realize that you are farther away from your goal, thus making it harder for you to find yourself. Blonde, a movie about Marilyn Monroe, is a graphic example of this phenomenon.

Misconception 2:

The path I choose determines becoming actualized or not.

It’s not the path that gets you closer to your real self. It’s the order in which you start your journey.

The story of Buddha clarifies how vital order is. Buddha was enlightened, therefore he could sit under a tree for days. The opposite. Sitting under a tree for days will make you enlightened is not true.

The key point to ponder and apply if you choose. By practicing finding yourself first, the path of success and the path of self-actualization become one and the same path.

Misconception 3:

The practice of psychology, beliefs, rituals, introspection, normal meditation, pursuing success, and even psychedelics will help me find myself to self-actualize.

Although these are great tools, they cannot help us find our higher self because these tools are designed to improve cognitive function. The higher self that you are in search of does not exist within the confines of the physical world nor the limitations of the mind.

Albert Einstein explains that “We must find solutions that are outside the reality of the problem.” Meaning we must use tools that help us break through the limitations of the mind. Tools based on Quantum neuroscience blended with the origin of frequencies that help you understand and experience the multidimensional self.

Now that we have these myths out of the way, how many of the misconceptions did you believe in?

I know you probably have a lot of questions. You may even think that what I’m proposing is preposterous. But if your life isn’t complete, you might want to try something different. The only thing you have to lose is your old self.

The mirror meditation is part of phase 2 of Xponential Intelligence’s 18 Day HyperMeditation program. HyperMeditations are an advanced form of meditation based on quantum neuroscience. It cuts through the shortcomings mentioned in the 3rd misconception it has gained a cult following to be the best tool for rapid transformations.

It not only helps you transform your life. It clarifies what it really means to become self-actualized. You can find more information on the mirror meditation and more self-actualization tools at

*Read Mas’ Article The Science of Woo-Woo in USA Today

Detox, Genetics & Your Higher Self

Detox is a process that occurs when an individual systemically lets go of old patterns referred to as filters, distortions, or programs. At its essence, detox is the process of self-purification and is therefore a powerful tool for enhancement. The cleansing process creates experiences that vary per individual, however, there are some key stages held in common. 

Many of you tend to hold on to old identities, and in the process of letting go, you experience detox. Detox is like a centrifuge, things are leaving you, pushing away. Your natural presence, your higher self, your limitless self is coming in, your purity is coming in, and it's pushing out the negativity, the diseases, the lack. All the stuff that we're not supposed to have or not supposed to be that came from our parents and our lineage. That stuff is there for us to remove so that we can start fresh again. 

Your genetics haven't been cleaned up since the beginning of time. Generation after generation, all that stuff that your lineage went through was handed over to you, just like a baton. Your grandparents ran their race, and then handed that memory on to you. Then you run your race, and you  do the same thing - hand the baton down to your children. XI cleans deep down, it starts to clean up your genetics so that you don’t hand the distorted baton to your kids.

A lot of you who have awakened, you've seen what you've handed down to your kids. We often hear, “that the next generation is fucked up.” Well that's because you’ve handed your issues down to them. So the best way to clean that up is to clean yourself up, and then your kids start to clean up, especially the younger ones. 

Detox happens when you start to let go of your patterns or distortions; it goes all the way down to your cellular level–your genetics–and it starts to change you. This is where you have the opportunity to not age like your parents, you let go of the possibilities of becoming like your parents or repeating old patterns of society - like wars, scarcity, lack, and all that bullshit that we just keep rehashing over and over again.

If you look at history, it’s just a big cycle that we go through over and over, nothing has changed. It's just a cycle.

We have to understand that it's not your belief system, it's not your laws, it's not your religion. It's just cause and effect; you do X, and then Y happens. Humanity hasn't figured out what X is and why Y happens. We need to get down to the first principle reason on why things happen and then break away from that cycle – first, at an individual level, then at a group level, like family & community, and then at a mass level, like we are now – worldwide. 

Individuals all over the globe are achieving this by practicing XI and we're all coming together, because of that, more people are awakening. That's how we change the world.

With detox, you're releasing emotions, like guilt, shame, fear, pride, ego, and all that stuff is going to come out for you to either hold on to it or let it go. Again, those were your parents' patterns. They were not yours. Whatever your parents went through, you're seeing it and seeing that you don't need it or want it. Even if it's a good pattern, you want a better version of it. Get an updated version, not your parents' version. 

Some of you might think - well, my parents were really good. Of course, they were good. But is there a better version of that goodness? Absolutely. You want a better version of that goodness, so let go of everything. 

That's why so many of you are going through an intense phase right now; allow that transformation process to happen. Once you start shifting and transforming your genetic patterns at a frequency level, you become a perfect host for your higher self.

It's about you becoming a nurturing environment so your higher self (or your spirit, or limitless self) grows – that's how your limitless possibilities come in. You don't go chasing after them, it never works out when you're chasing after success. When you become that nurturing environment, things just flock to you, including your higher self. To create a nurturing environment for your limitless self, you need to clean up at the genetic level and let go of the patterns of your lineage. 

The Science of the Woo-Woo

Mas Sajady is determined to find the science behind the supernatural

Rhonda Byrne’s book “The Secret” was released in 2006 about the law of attraction. The well-known book and later film by the same name, sparked a movement that is alive and well over 15 years later.

The movement created what is referred to as "woo-woo," which is defined as unconventional beliefs that have little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to spirituality, mysticism and alternative medicine. This doesn't mean there is no power in the law of attraction or in what is called "the secret." Rather, it means that sometimes it's hard to prove scientifically that something exists.

Mas Sajady, who recently spoke at the London Science Museum, has taken on the task of explaining the unexplainable with his research and development organization Xponential Intelligence. Sajady has been called everything from a psychic to a futurist, but he has never accepted any of these titles, insisting his ability to read, forecast and break down things from the beyond is no more than something scientific. Although Sajady has nothing against religion, and even considers himself spiritual in some ways, he tends to lean towards finding the science behind the woo-woo.

Sajady is currently involved in quantum neuroscience research, which refers to a narrow field of the operation of quantum physics in the nervous system, such as the emergence of higher cognitive functions like consciousness, memory and internal experiences. He is becoming a scientist of what was once considered be to the supernatural.

To understand the science of the woo-woo, one can research and study frequencies, vibrations and how the brain processes data. Sajady has invested money in research that will help people better understand the superhuman abilities that lay dormant in many of us who have yet to reach our full potential. Research is changing how we see our bodies and our capabilities.

Biologist David R. Liu has been sharing breakthroughs about these things, including in a recent TED Talk on the topic. Liu describes the crucial step in genome editing takes the promise of CRISPR to the next level. (CRISPR is an acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, which refers to a segment of DNA containing short repetitions of base sequences involved in the defense mechanism of prokaryotic organisms to viruses.)

Sajady's work and other research that is helping people lean on the science of success rather than the woo-woo of the world. “Either way, much of what has been taught through the law of attraction really does work, but it is only a small piece of the puzzle that can be more dangerous than helpful without more pieces to complete the picture we are currently painting,” Sajady said. “When people start to understand there is less of themselves to fix and that more can be accomplished by changing the frequency, only then will people accomplish more long-lasting results.”

“There is a lot to be said for regularly tapping into frequencies that not only allow us to accelerate the power of our brain but also allow it to rest and repair at levels of REM and deep sleep,” he said. “There is still so much we just don't know about the brain, but we do know that it is the key to unlocking peak performance.”

Sajady has had two near-death experiences – one from almost drowning and another from an accidental head injury. These experiences drive him to find the scientific explanations for his newfound abilities, which had little to no fact-based data until now.

Those looking to pursue life's mysteries and want science to be a part of the journey may find that Sajady’s YouTube videos, events and teachings are what they are looking for. With more than one million Facebook fans, millions of views and firsthand accounts of his unique insights, he is worth investigating.

“You don't need to believe in gravity in order for it to work,” said Sajady. “Rather, it is just a law of the universe. For thousands of years, people knew they needed air to breathe, but it wasn't until the last couple hundred that we understood that air was something called oxygen and that it, like other gasses, could be measured. It's because of this that I am constantly experimenting with techniques, processes and theories that we test.”

There seems to be a power around what we think about and focus on. Some of what we attract or manifest comes from these thoughts that might live inside of us. “The more we understand it, believe in it and trust it, the more it can come from a place of knowing, and that may be the most empowering of all,” said Sajady. “I have dedicated my life to knowing and sharing that knowledge. Our research will continue to explore and explain what was once unknown. Soon the truth in all its form will be available to everyone, and it's my mission in life to make that happen.”

*Article originally published by USA Today

Inner Expansion

So many people subscribe to the idea that they are broken in a way that needs to be fixed. This often leads to counseling based on resolving old issues and injuries. This whole premise keeps us stuck as individuals, revisiting and replaying the same old songs or programs in our heads. We must learn how to tune out of the static, tune out of the negative stations playing and these things that much of the world broadcasts. Instead, we must learn how to turn the dial, tune into higher frequencies and find the stations and voices that are broadcasting at a true level of brilliance. When we reside and live within the brilliance being broadcasted at higher frequencies, our human potential is only a heartbeat away.

My two near-death experiences have allowed me to see the limitless potential that we humans possess. The experience of having someone that can cut through your weaknesses and spotlight your greater potential is more intoxicating than the pursuit of power or wealth. Ironically, humans pursue power and wealth because they think it will make them better, but that is rarely the case. Who wouldn’t want someone that could help reveal the best of themselves? Showing someone their full potential and helping them achieve it is a real passion of mine and my life’s work.

To start accessing your true potential, you must be ready and open to switch the station playing or to change the channel you are on. This is more of a “frequency tuning” skill that can be learned than a hard work and sweat thing that must be endured. We all have talents, and we all have things we can learn. First, we need to see the blessings already given and start using them. To put it more clearly, think of Roger Bannister, who made history by breaking the belief that humans can’t run a four-minute mile by literally doing just that. Soon after, more broke that barrier and limitation, including some that actually exceeded it by running the mile even faster than 240 seconds. Now it’s a common occurrence to run that fast or faster. I am one of the pioneers that is breaking the limiting beliefs of human potential. I can help people break their own four-minute mile barriers.

The process of breaking through your limitations and reaching the true and grander version of yourself is what I call your Inner Expansion. Think of my abilities, which we all have, as the amplification of our five senses. For example, dogs can hear sounds we can’t. Bees can see higher scales of the light frequencies. Now imagine exceeding the limitations of our five senses to an extreme where it breaks the barrier of spacetime. If you can maintain this state of being, you become the knowledge. This state of being is your Inner Expansion. You merely know what you know, about someone or any given subject. By the way, it’s not psychic abilities or intuition which are limited and limiting.  

Your integrity dictates the level of data you can access from a person, as well as your ability to rewrite their life blueprint to better themselves. When I work with people, I bypass the fuzzy logic of emotions, beliefs and personal truths. At this core level, the unpredictable human turns into a predictable program with specific algorithms or behaviors which can now be easily rewired with my abilities. 

When I went through a “dark night of the soul” and the process of realizing my own abilities after my second near-death experience, I had a series of epiphanies.  Many things I assumed about how life works, including my common beliefs about wealth, shifted and were reshaped. Enlightenment, and even how we age, purified into an extreme level of understanding and logic. When you experience a true epiphany, you are changed at a cellular level with every fiber of your being. 

Trusting and suspending disbelief are important parts of the process toward your Inner Expansion. There is a lot of fear in the world, most of which at its core is fear of the unknown. This fear keeps many from moving forward. Look back in history and your own personal life.  You’ll recognize that human societies are wrestling with many problems from a millennium ago despite today’s many technological advances. Isn’t it time to wake up to our potential and live the life many desire? We all have the potential to develop the same abilities I have. It’s rooted in deep science if you are willing to learn. Try something new, experiment with what works for the growing awakened world around you.

Real Self-Actualization

People try to become self-actualized by making a lot of money, helping others, becoming spiritual, or through philanthropy. Perhaps you think that Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King or Steve Jobs were self-actualized. But what does it really mean to become self-actualized, according to Xponential Intelligence (XI)? 

Most people think that there are two versions of them - you, or your physical form, and then your higher self that's out there. And to self-actualize, to attain the higher version of who you are, you have to connect the two. 

But that's not the way it works. You can make changes this way, but you’ll stay at a certain level and will never go beyond that. And that point that you can never go beyond is space and time, because you would always define being self-actualized as a version of yourself in physical terms here, at a reality that has density. 

For example, some people wear particular clothing or a long beard to signify they're self-actualized, or sit in a cave for years or fast, thinking they're self-actualized; or they help others, donate money, etc.  But if you were in a true self-actualized state while doing all those things, you could do a hundred times better – for example, helping others and ascending to higher levels – by doing it at a different consciousness.

If yook at the world, we're always trying to improve ourselves – that's how self-actualizing is defined for everybody: trying to improve yourself. And there's nothing wrong with that, but how do you improve yourself? By being a better person. How do you define a better person? In this reality, a better person would help thousands or millions of people. But here’s the problem: the way you help them is by carrying their burdens. And that's not really becoming self-actualized – it’s actually the opposite!

In our society, people who become self-actualized have to fight for a purpose. For example, Martin Luther King did amazing things, but he was always an underdog fighting the system, and when he stops pushing against or fighting for the cause, his identity disappears. 

There have always been fantastic individuals who spent their lives in service or helping, but if we don't delete the underlying patterns we’ll keep perpetuating what we're always fighting for and against. It's just like Einstein said, you have to remove yourself – in this case, from the equation of “fighting for a purpose” – to become truly self-actualized. 

To go even deeper, consider a maverick like Steve Jobs – remember the 80’s Mac commercials, fighting against Big Blue, against the system? He was self-actualized to a certain level, but not spherically. Like Bill Gates, they fight against the system but they become so large that they become the system, because they have to keep perpetuating that identity. They have to keep pushing and pushing and then they become a system of their own.  

Or take research centers, such as cancer research. They probably already figured out a cure for cancer but if they admit it, that organization, which is worth billions of dollars, would disappear, and then what would be their purpose?

But here’s the difference: if you're self-actualized, you become the purpose. Then there’s no need to fight for one. You might fight if necessary, but you're doing it for a different reason and from a very different space. 

How about someone like Elon Musk? He's very intelligent, he's got a lot of great concepts that he can manifest, but does that mean he's self-actualized? No. Because the way he accesses and processes information destroys him as he ages. If you have to destroy yourself – or destroy others, like Putin – to self-actualize, you're not self-actualized. 

Or let's look at religions: you have to keep working hard, keep meditating, to self-actualize. If you always have to do something, then you're not self-actualized because you haven't reached your goal of being self-actualized. I'm not saying religious practices don't work, but they can only get you to a certain point that always stops at the physical realm, in this experiential reality.  

For example, Paramahansa Yogananda was a very evolved human being, but he still deemed himself a soul yearning to be at the higher spiritual level. So his identity was still a physical identity. He knew that we're a grander version out there, but there’s always a yearning, which means he hasn't stepped into his higher self... Similarly with a rich and successful person who's trying to prove to the world that he's a really good person. The cause might be great, he may be awakened and have a lot of knowledge, but he's still striving to prove himself to others. If you're in that state, you're not really self-actualized. It's that ceiling of time and space that stops a lot of individuals... 

So what, then, is real self-actualization? Self-actualization is your inner journey, not what you're doing on the outside. It's about your spirit, your timeless or limitless self, and your physical rendition of your spirit here. 

The first step is to realize that your physical rendition is not real: it’s a reflection, a mirror, of how awakened you are at spirit level. Then you start operating from your higher self, and not from your lower self looking up to your higher self. And when you look at your reflection, you start to see the baggage that you've created. But you don't change the mirror, you change your simulation of yourself from a higher level by letting go, having fewer filters. 

Basically, you’re projecting yourself here but experiencing it in the higher realm, not in your physical form. This is where you feel as one, because you know that there's no separation of self, just a reflection of self. That's real singularity or oneness, wholeness. It's all about space and time, about where you consciously render yourself from.

When you’re self-actualized you transform others without saying or doing anything, your frequencies override and change the consciousness and reality around you. And people who are really self-actualized can take others to the levels they are at. If you are self-actualized, you are also naturally, spherically abundant and all opportunities are open for you. 

By the way, it's a lot easier to become a billionaire than it is to become self-actualized at the levels of a Buddha, Muhammad or Jesus.